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Mars at it's current highest, Feb 16th-repro, (UK)


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I went through my data for the night of the 16th and I believe I have a better image here. Taken with a C11 and ZWO coloured cam at F25. The seeing was fairly good on this night but not perfect. Thanks for looking.



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Fantastic detail Harv, it's an amazing image.

Does anyone know why the planet looks as if it has a small bite out of it bottom left. I pm'd Harvey and we know it's not the stacking as the video run shows that shape as well, so maybe it's just that shape from our angle.

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A definite improvement on the initial image, and some excellent detail despite the less than perfect seeing (do we ever get this mythical excellent seeing in UK - probably not at these elevations).

Seems strange that only 100 years ago Percival Lowell was still drawing canal maps for the red planet (credit wikipedia):


Bet he would have given right and left arms for a look through that C11 ;)

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A definite improvement on the initial image, and some excellent detail despite the less than perfect seeing (do we ever get this mythical excellent seeing in UK - probably not at these elevations).

Seems strange that only 100 years ago Percival Lowell was still drawing canal maps for the red planet (credit wikipedia):


Bet he would have given right and left arms for a look through that C11 ;)

Thanks Jake, that's very interesting. I think things have come a very long way since then. I would happily trade my C11 in for a C14 though! LOL. Naah, not sure I would, I am currently building an 18". Can't wait to put that on some of our neighbours!



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Your image shows some real promise Harvey and I don't want to pull a downer on you but you have way over-processed it.....I'd really like to see you reprocess it with much gentler wavelets etc applications - sure it won't make details smack you in the face, but I reckon it'll turn out much nicer! Keep it up and good to see regardless! :)

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Your image shows some real promise Harvey and I don't want to pull a downer on you but you have way over-processed it.....I'd really like to see you reprocess it with much gentler wavelets etc applications - sure it won't make details smack you in the face, but I reckon it'll turn out much nicer! Keep it up and good to see regardless! :)

Yes thanks for this Darryl but I do realise this. Maybe I should have put something up on here for you experts about that. To be honest, this is the first time I have imaged Mars and I wanted to drag out as much detail as I could. As you know I could easily have been gentler with the wavelets. What I think I'll do is process 2 on here next time, a gentler one and a more detailed one and put them on the same post!

Kind regards


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Gotta agree with Darryl I prefer your other processed image Harvey. Its tough with Mars being only 30 degrees elev and the temptation is to sharpen through the murk with Mars handling the extra processing without noise kicking in as with Jupiter but the downside is you lose the shape and its takes on a lumpy appearance. Something I've done myself in the past.

I have found lowering gamma post capture works better than stronger wavelets on Mars.

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Gotta agree with Darryl I prefer your other processed image Harvey. Its tough with Mars being only 30 degrees elev and the temptation is to sharpen through the murk with Mars handling the extra processing without noise kicking in as with Jupiter but the downside is you lose the shape and its takes on a lumpy appearance. Something I've done myself in the past.

I have found lowering gamma post capture works better than stronger wavelets on Mars.

Thanks Stuart, interesting that bit about the Gamma, I'll have to try that next time. To be honest I have played with Gamma settings before and found outcomes very unpredictable, so have avoided playing with it any further.

Kind regards


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