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Pictures of my gear


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Hi All,

Finally got around to taking some pictures of my scope.

Setup on my camera tripod.


(click to enlarge)

And packed away in my Maplin Flight case (I think it's gonna end up living in here for a while...)


(click to enlarge)

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That's a handy looking setup. I do like compact 'scopes, mainly because I like taking my equipment to other folks houses to show them the skies. Your kit looks perfect for that, especially with a great little selection of eyepieces and lens adapters that you've got. Are you going to get yourself a barlow as well?

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I have one. It's a tal x2 in the little box bottom left. I wanted this setup for camping etc. with the intention of being able to take it out and use it very easily, compact and moveable. The ep's are 32mm, 20mm, 10mm LER and 6.5mm Plossls (I know the 20 in the x2 is the same as the 10, but I did this to reduce the chop and change).

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Ron, Thanks. Yep, small, quick and easy to setup (as I discovered last night, only took about 5 minutes to put everything together), very little cooling down. Great for the widefield stuff, can't get high mag out of it. It's only 400mm. I discovered last night the CA too, looking at the moon, but it's not so bad I can't live with it.

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Yes, a neat, compact and clean looking set up John. You've admirably achieved an important (and often overlooked) aspect of astronomy - to have a scope which is truly portable. It must be very satisfying and rewarding to be able to take your equipment with you, and show others the wonders of the night skies. Seeing the results a set up as yours can give, must encourage others to take up the hobby.

Very neat,



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Phil, thanks. The primary reason for wanting something this size was so I can take it away with me (and get less grief over how much space it takes up in the house :D). The aspect of sharing has only come up in the last couple of weeks, but I think quite worthwhile nonetheless.

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There are filters that will help with the CA John. Baader Minus Violet is one, but I'm sure others will be recommended.

I know you can live with it, but better if it's reduced as much as possible.

That looks a short FL scope, so It might be a little stronger in that.

Ron. :D

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