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New beginner seeks life time hobby

Kairan Leonard

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Someone suggested to me when i first started about getting a good pair of Binoculars first and see how you go with them, you will be surprised what you can see, plus your only 30 miles away from the Beacons which has just been given dark sky status.

Oh and welcome to SGL :grin:

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I have to agree with the comments about imaging. You simply won't get even second hand kit for that money.

On the other hand, if you want to look at the stars and planets, why would we want to deter you? you can get some pretty good scopes for that money second hand. I've even seen a Skywatcher 130 on ebay that's motorised, for less than that. That's a pretty good scope. I should know, I've got one.

I'd suggest something like that to start.  You'll know then if it is something you can get into and it won't cost you much...you can re-sell the scope for a similar amount if you change your mind. You don't even need it to be motorised. If you're taking it off to the mountains, the 130 will be fine. don't forget that if you pay big bucks, you get a big scope and it all has to be carried around!

Forget about imaging until you know you are serious about it...it'll cost you a fortune.

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Get the nicest pair of 10x50 sized binoculars your budget will stretch to (go to an astronomy or camera shop and try them out first though).

If you fall in love with the stars you'll be spending every pay packet on it and end up buying a far better scope sooner than you think (and then you'll also already have a v useful and lovely pair of bins), and if you dont fall in love or life gets in the way - you've still got a lovely pair of bins that are portable and for using when walking in the hills, or easily selling onwards. Win win.

Good luck whatever you decide.

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Welcome to SGL.....you could always do Afocal Photography through the eyepiece....its a lot of fun and you can get some cracking pics (well I like them) of the moon. You just need the scope, and a compact camera at the eyepiece (you could get a bracket to hold the camera as well). Do a search on the forums. My profile pic is an Afocal one. Did do a gallery as well if you have a look at it. 

Good luck.

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