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Thin crescent Venus


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Well done so close to conjunction, it was clear at sunset today, but Venus too low to be seen from my town backyard, but got it last week in my 10x50s, the crescent phase obvious.

Should have made the effort today to go 3 miles to a place with a SW horizon.

Regards, Ed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What amazed me last time I saw Venus was how bright it was given it was just a crescent and not at full wattage! That was at least a month ago and its gone for now, but looks like Venus and Mercury will be back in the mornings with new crescents to view.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just saw Venus for the first time with my 15x70's, I was out in the back garden "fumigating" (ehem) and thought "blimey, that's one heavy duty set of lights on that plane" (often see planes coming directly towards me in the distance as they stack for Heathrow). When it didn't do the usual bank and light dim I thought "Asteroid!...we're doooomed!", then Stellarium handed me a humbug to chew on :)

Unfortunately it is too low on the horizon for my dob as my neighbours trees mask the view. :( The 15x70's from the bedroom window was still pretty awesome though, could clearly see it was a crescent...never realised it was that bright, must be quite something when full!

Going to have to see if I can haul my dob up to the loft and cut out a section of roof....reckon it's worth it overall :)

Joking aside this really cheered me up, I have been Jonesing for a nice "spot" for well over a month thanks to the weather.

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I had a chap at our group Stargazing live evening, first question " those flaming rocks up there ( points at stars ), they're big right ? Do they look small as they are so far away ?"

For some reason I kept replaying Father Ted all evening in my mind,


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Oh ok, makes sense, thanks for that nugget Kerry. It really is quite dramatic, I remember seeing it on certain occasions over the years before I really dug deeper into astronomy. Can't ever remember it ever being that dominant in magnitude though, I guess I just missed those times when it was.

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