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Mak frustration "the sequel"


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Having previously placed a post asking for advice on my Mak and its below power performance the other night I went through a series of collimation tests as advised by experts.  Collimation was off and needed correcting.  Two methods were suggested, both indoors and although tricky I had to have a bash (it needed sorting).  

Well, my bash was totally unsuccessful i.e. a complete fail.  To make matters worse, I made matters worse!  I have been chasing error with a set of tools for the last 2 - 3 hours.

Its apparent that I need a skilled hand to carry out the task.  Does anyone know where I can get this done, sooner rather than later?  I'm willing to send it off as at the moment its about as much use as a chocolate fire guard!

I really want to get it up and running as once on power its the business end for catching planets.

Help and advice sought and appreciated


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When you defocus on a star Rick ( roughly third magnitude ) do the rings look nice and concentric ?.Another thing you have to watch is that you dont over tighten the locking screws as that can effect the maks collimation. Another usefull collimating tool for a mak is a ' takahashi collimating scope ', I borrowed one to collimate my old intes 715 mak/cass and it worked a treat, bit pricey to buy new but a useful tool to have.What were the methods you used to try and collimate it Rick ?

Unfortunately im in south wales otherwise I would have been willing to help you ( im no expert but ive got a decent idea ).

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