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I'm not sure that I've seen this right ..... 

Guylain has gone to considerable lengths to answer , clearly and concisely , all the questions you put forward , and yet I fail to see even a glimmer of gratitude ... just another onslaught of questions ......  :mad:

Might want to rethink your approach somewhat ....  :rolleyes:

Unless you have anything useful to say then why don't you do one. :mad:

 How the hell else am I suppose to let him know what actually going on unless I explain it?

You're not helping. :mad:  :mad:

Please don't reply.

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Did you try this as suggested earlier?  Take a snap image (relatively in focus) then place the zoom box in frame and focus where the star is.  Resume live view.  Do you see the star?  If yes adjust focus.  If not then you can't not use live view to focus with that lens because it can't resolve that star with only a few milliseconds of data.

Thank you


Yes that's exactly what I did, as I said 'when I switched back to live view my screen was just black and fuzzy (no stars).

Surly if I cant see any stars in live view with the iso at max then lowering it isn't going to help?

The lens was set to 18mm (lowest mag)

What type of lens can be used??


(I have already said that I switched back to live view and couldn't see any stars) See post with picture attached above. :)

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Would it have anything to do with using a usb lead to connect the camera to the laptop for the live view picture being so bad???

No, otherwise nothing would work.

I suspect you are not properly centering the star in the zoom box, this is where I draw the data to focus.


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Hey guys play nice or I'm outta here.  All "Steve Ward" pointed out is perhaps add 'please' and 'thank you' to your posts.  This is what I read into it anyway.

Anyway, I don't mind helping anyone in need and sometimes help is needed after a lot of frustration trying to make it work.  Been there done that so I understand your frustration trying to make it work.

Keep on truck'in like they say around here :)



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First I took this snapshot as I couldn't see anything on live view.


I then clicked and locked the zoom box on the brightest star to the right of Jupiter.

Then switched back to live view and this is the display on my screen...


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First I took this snapshot as I couldn't see anything on live view.


I then clicked and locked the zoom box on the brightest star to the right of Jupiter.

Then switched back to live view and this is the display on my screen...


Great, then I can confirm that live view focusing will not work with that lensat 18mm, no stars are visable at that FL.

To compare though, can you post the same image using a snapped image?  I want to compare.

Thank you


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Great, then I can confirm that live view focusing will not work with that lensat 18mm, no stars are visable at that FL.

To compare though, can you post the same image using a snapped image?  I want to compare.

Thank you


I meant to say the BYE screenshot with snapped image :)



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Great, then I can confirm that live view focusing will not work with that lensat 18mm, no stars are visable at that FL.

To compare though, can you post the same image using a snapped image?  I want to compare.

Thank you


I'm not sure I follow you Guylain. The same image using a snapped image???

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I'm not sure I follow you Guylain. The same image using a snapped image???

Yes, what I want to compare visually at my end is the same snapped image and a live view frame... both with the camera unmoved betweem snap and live view screen shot.  The zoombox rectangle should be at the same location too.

This will confirm with absolute certainty if live view is possible at 18mm or not for focusing.

I need to see the BYE screen shot for both.

Thank you,


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Ahh yes I see. Hopefully it will be clearer tonight. I must admit I'm rather dissapointed because I was hoping to use this for setting my camera then taking some wide angle shots of the sky but I realise it's more for a scope and camera set up now. Ill post pics as soon as I get the chance.

Many thanks

Steve :)

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Ahh yes I see. Hopefully it will be clearer tonight. I must admit I'm rather dissapointed because I was hoping to use this for setting my camera then taking some wide angle shots of the sky but I realise it's more for a scope and camera set up now. Ill post pics as soon as I get the chance.

Many thanks

Steve :)


It's not that it's made for a scope more than a camera lens,  BYE does not really care about the optics used.  But it does care about the data the optics provides.  A lens at 18mm simply can not resolve any star in live view due to the inherient speed of a live view frame; measearure in milliseconds compared to a snapped imaged which is measured in seconds.

FYI, the live view frame you see in BYE is the exact replica of the live view frame you see on the actual camera LCD display; if you don't see a star there you will not see a star in BYE.



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Yes it does oily. :)

Hi, I have been using Backyard EOS for short time, I find it very good at what it supposed to do once you read the PDF How to.. etc .   Nightboy interesting to see you say that it will focus for you, How does this work ? 

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Hi sono.

I'm using bye v3 and a canon 700D with a canon 18mm 55mm efs lens.

Just set it up in the house with your camera facing an object, on 'frame and focus' open live view and then click the <<< << < > >> >>> arrows and see if the object goes in and out of focus.

I've also got a 70mm 300mm sigma lens that I'm going to try later on :)

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Just want to say I am using BYEOS, Canon 550d through SW200p and works excellent. I have not tried piggybacked with Camera and lens but intend to so this discussion very helpfull. The comments and  help from Guylain is Excellent. As a beginner any help from experts on Stargazers lounge is very much appreciated but even more so from people like Guylain who write Software for us all to use. :)

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Just want to say I am using BYEOS, Canon 550d through SW200p and works excellent. I have not tried piggybacked with Camera and lens but intend to so this discussion very helpfull. The comments and  help from Guylain is Excellent. As a beginner any help from experts on Stargazers lounge is very much appreciated but even more so from people like Guylain who write Software for us all to use. :)

Well... thank you :)


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