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Would someone be so kind and give me a quick run through on this as I cant seem to find much on the net.

Just been out to try it on some stars (DSLR Only) and all it seems to be doing is selecting the highest iso on my cam and changing the shutter speed to bulb. I cant even change the settings on my camera once its plugged in???

Couldn't see a thing... :confused:

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I can't run my version up at the moment to check but all the control is from backyard EOS.  The camera should be set to manual.  There are then various options to control the camera.  From memory the user interface is not completely intuative but once you get used to it it is pretty good.

Someone with a better memory or can run it up may be able to give more details. 

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Ok so I#ve learnt how to change the shutter, iso, aperture etc.

Im Struggling with the following....

In the settings I've put the download folder as 'My Pictures' yet when I take a picture it isn't saving it there (or anywhere for that matter)

The quality is set to 'S1' and I cant change it.

And the focus, someone said the lower you can get the number the better. I'm just trying to focus on something in the house and the higher the number the better the focus....?

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Well god knows, more totally confusing rubbish. All I'm seeing on my screen is a mass of red/black blockyness so how I'm meant to place that box on a star I don't know. The << >> arrows seen to do nothing to bring that focus number down either. The lowest I can set the shutter speed too is 2.5 seconds. It's not saving my pictures either. I bought a telescope to enjoy it not give myself a constant headache and an empty bank account. Hmmph. :rolleyes:

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Try here ... http://www.astronomyshed.co.uk/forum/viewforum.php?f=74

Guylain the writer is a very helpful chap and should point you in the right direction.

PS. Just because you can't instantly make something work for you it doesn't make it 'rubbish' , all the software you are introducing yourself to is extremely well written and very detailed and takes ages to master , I still find new things to tweak in Registax for example every time I open it , and depending on the data collected day by day I have to adjust my work flow constantly to suit conditions in order to get the best results from it.

There is no quick and easy answer as far as Astrophotography is concerned I'm afraid , if it was easy everyone would be doing it ...  :smiley:

Stick with it though , the journey is a long , slow one but eventually everything will start to become second nature and soon you'll be wondering what all the fuss was about .... honest ...  :laugh:

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Hi Steve. Just been out and starting to get the hang of it. after switching to Imaging I found I can adjust the camera as I please. One question on focusing tho.

Do you point your camera in the genral direction then on 'Frame and Focus' take a snap shot, place the box on a bright star, click 'live view' and then adjust the << >> arrows until you can get the lowest readings after time???

I sometimes found it would go down to the 20's and back up to the 50's without touching anything. Is it best to hit the Snap shot button when the numbers at the lowest (kind of a reaction type if you get me)??

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Can't help you on this myself , I use APT ...  :smiley:

No worries.

When you're just taking pics of the stars with a slr (if you do that is) how many second exposures can you take before trailing starts? Im sure I read 'keep seconds the same as mm'' I.e. 18mm=18seconds etc...

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Don't you need to manually focus the star by adjusting the focus rack on the telescope?...unless you have remote electric focus?

Yes you would but I was using a DSLR only so you can adjust it from the computer.

What number is good focus???

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What number is good focus???

In good seeing I've achieved 4 - 6 in FWHM

Using ardrino remote focuser on crayford.

You should try HD setting @ 5x with the grid switched on in live view.

Centre a bright star and do really fine adjustments.

My ardrino is connected to the centre fine focus shaft and even a fine touch on the focuser can send the numbers back up again.

You'll know when it settles, and you may not get into single figures, depends on the seeing.


Got my work in the morning so apologies for ignoring any replies till tomorrow.

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Focusing is a physical action that moves something in the optical chain....lens, camera position...it is not a software function.

All software can do is control a focussing mechanism, so unless you have an electric focuser attached to the scope which is remote controlled by eos then all you are altering is the numbers on the computer screen...not the real world focus.

Sent from my Hudl HT7S3 using Tapatalk

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The OP is referring to focusing a camera / lens combo , not a camera / scope set-up .... :smiley: 

Both APT and BYEOS are able to adjust the focus when using the camera with stock lenses attached , as does Canon's own Utilities software .

And when attached to a scope the focus can be controlled from the computer using various motors/controllers , I have Skywatcher 'Autofocuser' motors on all my scopes and control focus very accurately via USB .

Highly recommended method ...  :p

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