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Large Dob advice please...

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I really think you can't go wrong with either the 10" or 12" DRT.

Light pollution actually makes very little difference between aperture sizes, seeing conditions does but as you are looking at scopes 12" and less I really wouldn't worry about it. 

I started with a 8" and it was great to get me started but I upgraded to a 12" Skywatcher and it really was a huge step up in quality of views, globular clusters are easily resolved and I saw my first spiral arms in galaxies! :)

Flick through these sketches, most of them were done with my old 12" and it should give you an idea of what can be seen (a lot of the sketches were done under dark skies though).


The physical size and weight of a 12" is worth considering though but if you are reasonably fit and healthy you should be fine as you just split the base and OTA and carry them separately.

I can't help with any advice about the 10" because I've never had one but like I said earlier both the 10" and 12" dobs will give you amazing views but if you can lift and store the 12" then I'd go for that...Aperture matters!! :)

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Hi Derek,

I own a 130mm newt and for 3 years was very happy with the views I got from it. However, I came into a bit of money and apoture fever got the better of me and I treated myself to a skywatcher 10"dob.

I've had it for 3 or 4 weeks and used it a few times. I can tell you that the views Jupiter are much better and bigger than they were in the 130mm. I can see detail on the moon that I didn't think possible from a garden scope.

The only draw back is the weight. I would not like to be carrying anything bigger/heavier around in the dark. However saying that, loads of people put dobs on small trolleys and pull them around their gardens.



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