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Oh the trepidation...


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So my PH000 dropped through the letter box and i'm sat here staring blankly between my screen which is showing Gary Honis' guides and my EOS 1100D... never been one to shy away from taking stuff apart, but knowing i have neither a replacement nor the finances to get a replacement if anything goes wrong... 

Decisions, decisions....

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Go on... Be bold... May the force be with you!

I modded my 60D yesterday evening and......... The thrill when you flick the On switch and..... the camera powers up!

Good luck, just be really methodical, slow and careful. Don't force anything too hard. Make a diagram of each step, marking which screws you have removed from where and then blutack each screw to the page with it easily identifiable to where it came from!

Look forward to hearing it was a success.

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ok, the ir filter is out (and in pieces lol) but... the video showed another filter attached with a ribbon cable which my 1100d didn't have. is this the bit that cleans itself?

is the plastic frame reinstall completely empty or do i need to put the clear piece which i assume is the low pass filter back in? it got a bit mucky separating it from the sticky tape.


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Well, I reckon that is just about perfect! Did you get the front filter back in? Looks like the focus is out - my 60D doesn't accurately auto-focus or even manually focus through the viewfinder any more. However focussing with live-view is spot on.

I think it's time to change the camera details in your signature!!!


Now, come on clouds, please give us a chance to try out our new cameras!!!!

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yeah the front filter went straight back in after a [removed word]-up of biblical proportions which i won't go in to because i'd be laughed out of the forum (unless suitably bribed :grin: )... the double sided tape was completely intact in the holder. it's out of focus because i don't have a 'normal' lens for the camera and had to use a telephoto i made out of some drainpipe and a 60mm monocular objective  :grin:

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Come on , spill the beans ,

You started a thread about modding a camera yourself , I think it's only right and proper that you tell the whole tale ,

There are plenty of people out here , myself included , contemplating the modification themselves .

If you have some important tip regarding the procedure then surely it should be passed on , if only to help prevent others making the same mistake , the main reason for starting the thread was to share the experience was it not ... ?

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hehe ok i will... i've got 3 kids so i'm used to being embarrassed and having what ego i have left trampled in the mud  :grin:

so yeah, as you can see from the first pic i posted, the low pass filter got smeared with ghoo when i took it out. when you mentioned it had to go back in, i set about cleaning it, having a small supply of acetone and distilled water left from other stiff.

aaaaaanyway... i used some cotton buds to gently wipe the filter with acetone which worked just fine apart from a stubborn bit. now, like a complete numpty, i thought that standing the filter in acetone for a minute or two would shift the remaining gloop so i hunted round for a container. the first thing that came to hand was a small plastc box (and now you can see where this is leading)

so i tested the top of the box with some acetone to make sure it would be ok and all was well....

what i didn't check, is that the bottom of the box was made of the same material so i poured in some acetone and dropped the filter into it.

and it stuck to the bottom of the box, which started to dissolve...  :embarrassed:

took me 20 minutes to get it unstuck and another 30 minutes cleaning off the melted plastic from the filter  :grin:

so, i guess it's a lesson to be learned and shared...


they probably heard the screams as i realised what i'd done all the way out to M31  :shocked:

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Cheers Dave - I'm up to mod my 1100D this weekend, though perhaps tomorrow night as the met is predicting some clear sky this evening.

I shall heed the advice and avoid acryllic plastic baths ;)

Look forward to seeing some after mod photos, so please post some up when conditions allows - hoping to get lots more out of the Horsehead and M42 without the low pass filter.

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Cheers Dave - I'm up to mod my 1100D this weekend, though perhaps tomorrow night as the met is predicting some clear sky this evening.

I shall heed the advice and avoid acryllic plastic baths ;)

Look forward to seeing some after mod photos, so please post some up when conditions allows - hoping to get lots more out of the Horsehead and M42 without the low pass filter.

Yeah, M42 is my primary target. here's one i took with the unmodded camera, definitely lacking a touch of red methinks...


so i can't wait to see the difference. unfortunately, because of the direction my house faces and where my garden is, M42 is unavailable until about 3am at the moment, but fingers crossed...

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Nice M42 there, the core/trapezium is nicely resolved and definitely some separation - though as you say, definitely lacking in the red.   My own effort got more of the outer area, but I've botched the core with badly masked overlay.   I do have the benefit of a clear southern horizon so think this was imaged through the meridian.


Looking forward to seeing the post mod comparisons.

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Phew, it works perfectly! Well done.

Lucky you to be able to see the sky... Wind, rain and yuck here in Wiltshire..... First light for my 60D awaits.

seems so :D

i only got chance to fire off one 10 second sub on m42 before it disappeared behind the local houses but i'm definitely getting red light now :D


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