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Guardian- How is your view of the night sky?


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A swathe of Northumberland has been named a 'dark sky park' due to its star-watching potential.

Do you have a good view of the night sky, or is light pollution a problem?

Share your images with us via GuardianWitness


A chance to share the best & worst of the UK night sky................

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That looks awful Nick. At home I have to contend with two street lights in the back lane, a security light on a terrace property opposite and thermals billowing through heating systems. Despite that I can still see the sky, as although where we live is under some threat from developers, we are in part surrounded by green spaces. The Newcastle metro - very close by, has converted its station lights to led which helps a bit. Wouldn't want to photograph it though a bit too depressing. Fortunately I live close enough to Northumberland and the wildness that is the Northern Pennines not to care. 

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Birmingham's skyglow I have resigned myself to. Local lights are more annoying.

This is mine and the neighbours' back garden with their 'security' light off. The fence you might be able to faintly see in the centre is 18 metres from the camera, and 32 m from the light. The houses silhouetted against the sky on the right are 40-60 m from the light.


Same (rubbish phone) camera, same settings, same night, the light comes on. 


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