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First blast at Jupiter with the dslr and 3x barlow.


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Managed to get about 15 secs worth of video as it wizzed through the view finder :grin:

Not a bad effort considering I haven't got a bahtinov, not the best image but I'm rather pleased, lil bot of detail in it, onwards and upwards....


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hey nice one, a good start. Apparently you can get up to 2mins or so of video data before it's rotation would cause blurring, so if you can get more and stack it some more detail should appear. I hope to try that myself soon, maybe this weekend if it's clear.

Also no GRS at this time, will be around later on.

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Hi Freddie. I did try it with the 2x. It doubled the amount of footage I got but the results was not as good. Certainly seems like a case of 'the closer the better'. Still yet to try with the 3x Barlow and bahtinov mask tho so hopefully might improve things a little.

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Could you take your 15 seconds, then line it up again and take another 15 seconds, then repeat a few times? Some video clipping and aligning would be required but if you can do it you should get better results? 

Not that what you have is bad, what camera/setup was it?

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Could you take your 15 seconds, then line it up again and take another 15 seconds, then repeat a few times? Some video clipping and aligning would be required but if you can do it you should get better results? 

Not that what you have is bad, what camera/setup was it?

Capture a 2 minute or so video, capturing as much of Jupiter as you can by moving the scope whenever Jupiter goes off the sensor.  Then run the video through PIPP with planetary options to remove the frames where Jupiter is not completely in frame and centre Jupiter in the remaining frames.  That should produce a good AVI file for stacking.



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Eagle, it was with my 200p dob and slr.

Chris, I did think of that but when using a 3x Barlow you get a tremendous wobble when you move the scope and I was worries that if I put footage with really wobbley bits in it into pipp them the end result will not be as good???

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Chris, I did think of that but when using a 3x Barlow you get a tremendous wobble when you move the scope and I was worries that if I put footage with really wobbley bits in it into pipp them the end result will not be as good???

I think AS!2 will do a good job of rejecting any unsharp frames.

But you could try PIPP's quality selection function to order the frames in order of sharpness, limiting the number of frames by quality until you are happy that only the good frames are present.

A more manual method would be to use VirtualDub to edit out the frames/sections that you are not happy with.

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Capture a 2 minute or so video, capturing as much of Jupiter as you can by moving the scope whenever Jupiter goes off the sensor.  Then run the video through PIPP with planetary options to remove the frames where Jupiter is not completely in frame and centre Jupiter in the remaining frames.  That should produce a good AVI file for stacking.



Suggested this in your tracking by hand thread. I still think you should give it a go.

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Thanks James. Do you think a Bahtinov would of made much difference to the above image???

I don't tend to use one for planetary imaging.  I prefer to do my focusing by eye based on the images that are coming from the camera.  But I have a setup that's rather easier to do that with.  In your case it might well be easier to find a bright star, say, Capella, and focus on that using the Bahtinov mask, and then move over to Jupiter.


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Well this is the result of 920 stacked images, I used pip and had the quality setting on, I tried stacking in both as!2 and registax, there wasn't a lot in it tbf. This was stacked in registax and I had to have all the wavelet sliders up FULL to get (slightly) rid of the blurriness.

Looks worse than the first one I posted...


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You also need to do an RGB align in registax to get rid of the blue/red fringing.  920 frames isn't a lot really though.  I usually start from three or four thousand.

Perhaps you've learnt as much as can be had from this one and now it's time to get out there again and try to improve.


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