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my first go at jupiter

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Used my 130p with spc900nc webcam, stacked in registax with a little play with the wavelets and then a play in gimp.

must admit i dont have much knowledge with registax wavelets or gimp so i know it could look better.

would like to know how to get the image bigger?? i used a 2.5x barlow but when i try to expand the image the pixels just get out of focus and it all looks messy??

Any help is much appreciated,


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Others will be better able to advise on the kit and using a barlow, i'm still getting my head around that bit of it all.

I think you could have over done it a bit with the wavelets, it is maybe a bit too sharp /defined. I think if you went a bit easier you'd have a more natural looking image, but that is a personal thing.

But is is still smashing:)


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Nice start! I would have been happy with that as a first image. Wavelets can be very harsh so take care. I can't advise more than just possibly using the last three. I find the first too harsh. If you go onto View Zoomed (Under Functions - right hand side) it'll help you see more details. I tend not to do post-processing in PS as I find the data so soft it's hard to do any more with it without it being over-processed!


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That's a very good start.  The real problem you've got with image size is your scope, to be honest.  There's nothing wrong with the scope, but it's not really the ideal for planetary imaging.  With my 127 Mak and SPC900 I was imaging Jupiter with a focal ratio of around f/35 to f/40 and a focal length of 4.5m to 5m.  That works really nicely with the SPC900.  A 2.5x barlow with your scope gives a focal ratio of f/12.5 and a focal length of 1.63m.  With such a short focal length you're always going to get small images I'm afraid.  It's what you've got though, so keep it up.  A good image is a good image even if it is a bit on the small side :)

What you could try doing once you've got the hang of working at 2.5x is put an extension in between the barlow and camera (I used the kit 2x barlow that came with one of my scopes and removed the lenses).  That will give you a bit more image scale.  The bigger you go, the harder it is to keep the image on the sensor though.


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