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Farewell AR1899, live long and prosper. Hello AR????


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Various patches of blue sky came across at lunch time today, most of it missed me, but got one run of 600 frames without too much cloud to stack in Registax 5.1.  AS!2 doesn't like cloud and wouldn't deal with it.

Unless we get another clear spell later this is going to be my last look at AR1899, but there are two new ARs on the radar, one has a nice spot group and the other seems to have plenty of disturbance.

ST80, Lunt solar wedge with Baader Continuum filter, DMK41, Reg 5.1




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Nice shot, Robin. well done catching it :laugh:

Not much of a chance here today, but I'm chuffed I managed a shot early yesterday as I was expecting to draw a blank over the entire weekend. Even though Met Office is not exactly 100/% accurate, it does dent your spirits when it shows 5 days of cloud!  :grin:

Hard luck today, Steve, hope you get a break next time out.

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Thanks guys.

Sadly no Halpha and no close up in white light. I left my scope set up in the garage, put the door down whilst we had lunch and went back out at 1:45pm fitted a 3x barlow, focussed and waited, but despite gaps coming across they never gave a good enough view.

Forecast looks good for tomorrow, so fingers crossed and both scopes will be put in the car.


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