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Remote Setup - A Work In Progress....


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Hi Karl

Looks very neat and tidy, what objects have you beamed to your monitor? :D I'd love that setup...

Hi Mert,

With this set up not much as just finished it.  So far The Moon and M42 but have a look at my gallery to see objects I got when I had all the leads running through the door. 

With this set up - M42




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Hi Karl

Looking good - running the cables into the house is a pain - have you made up a single bunch of cables to connect from your box to the scope or do you run several separate cables.

I bring the hand controller for the mount inside - only way I can make fine adjustments.

You might be able to do it using EQMOD - if your mount supports it, unfortunately both my mounts are AZ and not supported by EQMOD.

Clear skies


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Hi Paul,

Thank you and yes it is a pain with all the cables in the house and at this time of year any gap in the window or door lets out all the heat! I do not have a single cable though outside just shorter ones from the scope to the outside sockets. It is still a pain packing up at the end but not as bad as before. In the office I can leave everything plugged in though which is a bonus. I plan to get a decent scope cover soon so this will help. I find one of the worst parts of this hobby fo me is packing up in the cold when your cream crackered so I'm trying to minimise this as much as possible. Packing up the next day once you've had a sleep is much more convenient if possible :)

Single cable though or at least fewer for outside is something to thing about. I agree with the Hand controller too it is much better to use this if possible for fine adjustment.



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Hi Karl

If you use EQMOD to drive your EQ6 I think that you can fine tune the position from your PC - I'm not certain as my Minitower is not supported by EQMOD, also I'm not sure about the EQ6 in AZ mode.

I have had some success using Stellarium Scope to create a scope driver server (works like a SkyFi) then use Starseek Pro on my iPhone to control the scope -  this allows you to move the scope manually with cursor keys as well as slewing to a target. However it's not as satisfactory as using the hand set.

I've also used a CAT5 cable to extend the cable on my handset with a female to female adapter - this also seems to work but I'm not sure how long the extension can be before you start getting problems.



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Thanks Paul,

I have looked at EQMOD before and plan to try it in the future.  That said I'm not sure if this would mean as you point out using my scope in EQ mode.  I've only ever used it in alt az as I can't get my around setting up in EQ :BangHead:   At the minute though I use Stellarium or SkyFi for info and then the tap the info into the handset.  I have not experienced any issues over the length of the cable though.  I have a 10 Meter Cat 5 from the scope to the outside socket, then this cable must be 20 metres and then another shorter one in the office to the HC.  I do not use the cable that came with the scope, just a normal Cat5 with an RJ45 on each end.



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A really super set up - you must be very pleased with it!!! - Enjoy!!

Thanks Nibor, I am pleased I must say.  It took a while to sort out but it's all now starting to come together nicely.  Lots of tweaking as always but usable.  All I need now is some clear nights!!



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I love this!! I shoot more and more remotely, most often whilst on nights at work, but still always have to setup polar align and focus before I can get going. Wish I had smth like this....

Thanks Russe,

It is quite basic really and anyone can do it.  I still have to set everything up though and pack up at the end of the night so no difference there really.  That said I am looking to pick up a cover soon so I can leave everything set up for a few days at a time.  The beauty of this setup for me is that once I'm all set up I have complete control from the warmth on my office including a realignment if necessary and have no cables to trip over whilst in there or open doors/windows for cables coming in.  Setting up and shut down takes a lot of time up meaning less viewing so this cover will make a huge difference.  One day it would be nice to have an observatory too but that's a long way off :)

Thanks again


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Fantastic set-up Karl!

Are all the cameras PAL?

I'd like to run mine through a Video Mixer but I have PAL and NTSC. not sure how that would work.

At the moment I unplug one from the Video Grabber and plug the other into it, and back and forth.

Hi Ken and thank you.

Yes all cameras are PAL so not sure how you can switch from on to another.  My setup can have 4 cameras though the DVR and one into a Frame Grabber.  There must be some sort of mixer you can get to make things easier but not got a clue myself.  Hoping it is clear tonight for more testing :)



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Great Setup, Karl. Indeed inspired me to push towards completing my own remote setup. :)

Like you, "almost there", but a VET's bill (re. numerous negative "tests"!) caught up with me. 

No revelation: Cat is "old" - Still happily grinning at me (my empty wallet) from the couch.  :icon_cat:

I envy you your HEQ8(?) - Maybe no bad thing to leave it in Alt-Az mode. It provides for many more "points of attachment" for those sundry (much needed!) cameras, we all love? Currently taming an HEQ5, and cannot help but wonder if Alt-Az lessens the potential for cables getting tangled up.  :o

Good stuff re. the "scope alignment" (setup monitoring) pictures. Also the cable routing "challenges". I'm sure DIY / Electronics (online) shops love us? lol. But just the sort of practical details to encourage others? Ever convinced Remote Video Astronomy can be done on a *moderate* budget. "Keep the Faith" and all that!  :D

Aside: Still waiting to prove I can implement a fast / reliable USB 2.0 link between house and observatory. Can just about get by with the current (slightly flakey) "50m" USB 1.1 Extender - TeamViewer could be used if absolutely necessary. But I'd still prefer not to have (to buy) a "Laptop" for the remote end...  ;)

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Hi Chris,

Thank you it is a real treat sitting in the warmth of my office and not constantly tripping over cables :)  That said it is still a mission setting up and down at the end of the night!!  Next steps are for some sort of shelter :shocked:  The mount is an AZ EQ6 though an EQ8 would be nice :)  I very much look forward to seeing how you get on as your ideas sound like they would reduce a lot of cables. 

The one issue I did have was with the green laser.  I could not get power to it properly so had to switch it on and off at the scope meaning not 100% remote control.  It also struggled as all green lasers do with the cold so it did not last long and needed blinking hand warmers.  However, now and thanks to Nytecam's advice I have the red version:

post-28683-0-24117200-1386251408_thumb.j  post-28683-0-57533600-1386251413_thumb.j

Today I received a 2 channel remote receiver and I'm very pleased to announce... IT ONLY BLINKIN WORKS!  :grin:  :grin:  So Now I have complete remote control but just need to work out a plan for a shelter of sorts.  A work in progress!!



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