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Getting anxious.

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So I got my scope over a week ago. I was forced to change my work hours to an overnight shift. So last week as we had pretty good viewing conditions over most of the week, I was stuck inside at work. Now this coming week I have my old hours back and have time to view the skys, the weather for this week is  all cloudy or rain or snow. I know that the stars will always be there and I will have plenty of chances to scan the sky. It just sucks that since I bought the scope I haven't had a decent opportunity or time to get her out on a real maiden voyage. Last week I would head out for smoke at break and Jupiter seemed to mock me. 

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That is a major part of this hobby. There is no point getting anxious about it. Use you free evenings when it is cloudy to do some reading, or make any adjustments/ alterations/ cleaning/ experimenting/ rehearse your set up routine.... Most of the objects in the sky will be there for a long time to come, so there is little panic about missing something. Being unable to observe whenever you want will only making those observing sessions with a crystal clear sky even more magical.

Good luck and i hope you get a nice clear sky soon.


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Thanks James. Since I haven't been able to get out I have been doing a ton of research. Mostly online and a lot here on SGL. Also I have gone out and bought a few items that I probably won't be using right oft the bat but eventually I would want to have them. (I have some extra play money at the moment and the girlfriend doesn't seem to mind lol.) A couple different EP's, a 2x barlow, moonfilter, collimation laser, etc. Been playing around with Stellarium quite a bit and can't believe what an awesome program that is. Only problem is it makes me want to get outside even more!!! But this is a hobby of patience and I understand that and am willing to accept that every night can't be a good viewing night. Would be easier to accept it though if I had been in this hobby for awhile and not a newbie with a brand new scope collecting dust!!   :grin:  :grin:  :grin:

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You need to be somewhat relaxed at this hobby.

It is generally said that we (UK) get one night in four where you are able to observe. Sounds half reasonable until you add in that the "clear" sky has to fall when you can observe - as you have found clear but at work means you miss it. Also the time it is clear - if it is not clear by 10:00PM to midnight I go to bed and that is it, if it clears at 2:00AM there is no way I am getting up to check and do anything about it.

Is your weather effected by Michigan and Superior - I would guess it is, so could be fairly turbulent at this time of year. Certainly COLD.

Just put Green Bay into an average weather site, says that for Nov-Dec ..... you get 85-90% average cloud cover. :eek: :eek:


Had to guess at Green BAy but it was in the North bit. :grin: :grin:

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You need to be somewhat relaxed at this hobby.

It is generally said that we (UK) get one night in four where you are able to observe. Sounds half reasonable until you add in that the "clear" sky has to fall when you can observe - as you have found clear but at work means you miss it. Also the time it is clear - if it is not clear by 10:00PM to midnight I go to bed and that is it, if it clears at 2:00AM there is no way I am getting up to check and do anything about it.

Is your weather effected by Michigan and Superior - I would guess it is, so could be fairly turbulent at this time of year. Certainly COLD.

We do get some lake effect weather but the severest is more to the north and east. Cold is going to be a big issue. Lows of 10F are expected most of this week and it's only November. By Jan and Feb it can get down to -20.

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It can be a bit disheartening at the start when you have new kit and can't use it.  It's very easy to use that enthusiasm to spend time researching and shopping and reading, which is good but be aware it can lead to your burning out / getting bored as well. 

These days I'm quite happy to buy something for £100-£300 and not use it for a month or more.  You get used to the rythm of the hobby and it does teach you patience.

You'll have clear skies before you know it, don't worry.  There are some great targets coming around at the moment too including some one of specials (comets)

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Think of bad weather as making very efficient use of the money you spent on the scope. Some folks have ten or twenty grands worth of gear standing around gathering dust when the weathers naff. You have a lot less stress and anxiety to worry about than them - you're doing well. lol :)

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i completely agree with all the posters above.It has been close to 2 weeks now since i received my new 14" dob and i still have not had a proper chance of using it.Only had a brief 20 mins session before clouds rolled in,but i managed to see what needs to be done on the scope to improve it.Use the cloudy days to mod the scope :)

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I know how you feel :sad:  I bought my scope last week and only had about half an hour looking through it in 6 days.

It does get frustrating but I have learnt in this short time not to get stressed out. I only want to see the moon and Jupiter at the moment.

I have been reading quite a lot so I hope you get a good look at what you are looking for :)

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If you let rubbish weather get to you, you will not last long in astronomy. Unfortunately in this part of the world (including northern border states in the US), winters can be harsh. To be honest, Summer in the UK and Ireland can be even harsher. Its why we have so much green land around us.

What was my point!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh yeah..................its a waiting game. One great clear night really does make up for the weeks/months on end of cloud,rain,wind,snow etc.

A single clear night (and i mean clear ALL night), really does fan the flame of passion for astronomy. Absence does make the heart grow fonder.

Let's face it, the night sky aint going anywhere in a hurry, apart from increasing levels of LP.  

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Thanks for the support guys. It's still pretty cloudy here this afternoon. Off to work at 3. Depending how much there is to do will get done at midnight or 2am. Sky's are supposed to be clearing around 12. Some of the guys at work have been asking me to bring my scope and we can do some viewing after work. Think I'll bring it down tonight and hopefully we can get some viewing in. Should be able to get them some decent views of the moon at least and any chance to get familiar with my scope I'll take.  :smiley:

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I find the Moon is nicer to observe when it is less full than it is at present, when full it loses a lot of contrast and washes out the sky. Still, it will be good if you can get some other people interested in astronomy by them looking through your scope :).

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Afraid I am losing my rag with this scope..It's too high now when I look in bedroom..Neck is killing me lol..Too big and clumbsy to take my scope downstairs

This is a 130mm newtonian?

Think how the poor bu&&ers cope with a 300mm one! :)

I'm sorry you are having a hard time. What mount is it on? Can you lower the legs on the mount so it is at a better height for your neck?


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This is a 130mm newtonian?

Think how the poor bu&&ers cope with a 300mm one! :)

I'm sorry you are having a hard time. What mount is it on? Can you lower the legs on the mount so it is at a better height for your neck?


Yeah.sorry but this is not my thread..On a EQ-2 tripod. It's on it's lowest setting.I may take the scope off thetripod and put it on a bin with a bag of clothes to rest it on.I am sure I saw Jupiter last night,massive blue star shape with no flickering,hope it was anyway..

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