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How to Image Comet ISON?


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I hope to be out with CNAAG at 4am tomorrow to image ISON. I can't exactly remember but I think I took 30-45s shots of Pan-STARRS, I think at ISO 800. I'll either be using my modded 600D with the 72mm frac or the 600D with a 200mm lens directly on the mount. I haven't decided yet!

What do you recommend?


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Originally I wanted to stack about 40  2-3 minute guided shots at iso 400-800 but my laptop was being finicky so i settled for 26 1 minute unguided shots at iso 1600 and they looked really good. I still have not used the method where you do one series stacked on just the comet and then another on just the stars and layer the 2. Soon i hope.Best of luck out there i see it's getting 2 more tails now!

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Due to the speed the comet is now moving against the sky, you really don't want to exposures more than a minute in length.

Take lots and stack them on the comet itself to remove the trailing.

I imaged it for well over 2 minutes and had great results using my ZEQ25GT with the right coordinates put into the handset. Pics soon. Give it a go i say!

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Wish me luck! I just hope my mount plays ball. I have everything packed and ready to go. I'll set the alarm for 1:45 and get up at 2:00. Then out of the house 15 mins later to get to Chipping Norton at 3:00. :shocked:

Looking forward to your pics.

I'm off to bed now!


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Yes! It was great. There were 7 of us there. A wonderful turnout for silly o'clock! We're a very dedicated group. Here's a movie of Lovejoy and ISON. The ISS flashes past ISON at one point. I wish I could have got more of Lovejoy but I wanted to get ISON before the rising sun washed it out. The subs were 2mins at 1600 ISO.

Comets Lovejoy and ISON Movie with ISS Pass 1.wmv

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