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Revalation Eyepiece Kit


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So after a recomdation to a item in the classified that i couldnt buy i decided to get the full set of eyepieces filters etc...


From what i've read about them there awardwingly good.. and as soon as i unpakaged i was impressed with the dissapearing writing on the ally case (small things! lol)

Then having a look at all the eypeices and fillters i was quite impressed with the build quality, well.. they where all metal pieces which i didnt expect! lol

So i couldnt wait to rush home from work last night to see how much better the view was from these plossls than my cruddy "H" thing..

And to be fair i wasnt over impressed! :( the 20mm to match my original didnt give that much better image. and then when i was going down to the 9mm + 2xbarlow on jupiter i was quite shocked on how UNclear the planet looked struggaling to make out the lines never mind the red spot...

I tried a couple of fillters aswell but just giving a tint to the fuzz...

So not wanting to banish these eyepieces could there be another reason for the poor view?? it said on bbc weather it was a clear night but could the atmosphare be to blame??

Or i have doubt's about the clenlyness of the mirror as i bought the scope second hand.. its  a celstron powerseeker 127 eq

Any help or advice would be much apreciated

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Do not read on if all you want is good news :eek: :eek: :eek: :-

You have a set of eyepieces that you can use on a better scope in the future.

The Powerseeker 127 is a poor design of scope.

The focal length is stated as 1000mm, the tube length is however 508mm - the 2 do not match up.

The scope will have a 500mm to 650mm (ish) mirror in it and a barlow in the focuser to achive 1000mm focal length.

The design is Bird-Jones, the additional inbuilt barlow is very likely cheap and nasty.

This is the most likely cause of the poor images.

The mirror may also be spherical not parabolic, saves cost on making it but for you a poorer image.

In real terms there is not a lot that you can do.

The catch is that unless you realise that the numbers do not make sense and know the design behind it, most people will not be aware of the potential short comings and assume it is just a bad scope or they are doing something wrong. Bet you didn't wonder how they got a 1000mm focal length in a 500mm long tube! You literally have Celestron saying they can get 2 pints in a 1 pint pot.

The best you can do is use the scope with just eyepieces, as in do not attempt to stick another barlow in the optical path. I am not even sure how easy it is to check collimation on these as everything concerning collimating a reflector does not account for additional optics in the path, just 2 mirrors.

The 4mm eyepiece and the 3x barlow with the scope might be good for throwing at cats. :grin:

Check everything for how clean and if possible check collimation. I doubt the inbuilt barlow is loose but have a look. Thought being if it is then it will not be sitting flat.

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My mate got one of these from argos after telling him not to. Not great scope, tripod broke on first outing. As mentioned above focal length is a bit dodgy and not easy to collimate.

Sent from my GT-I8160 using Tapatalk 2

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Thanx chaps.. when i see t he scope on ebay i did as much diging as i could for reviews on goggle as i could which seemed ok.. but then once i won it and "then" joined SGL the views where very different! lol

I was a little deverstated to say the least  and that was before it even came.. i did metion it in a post on here on my "welcome" post but got told i could of had a lot worse off starter scope so hoped for the best..

I did read a posted that comented about the focal leght not being any where near the stated 1000mm, and as you say i dnoticed the image get dramaticly blury once i used tthe barlow.. Just had a poke in the focuser and yup theres another lense there!!

I can line things up ok with my rigle, until the crappy velcro gives way.. so would assume colimation is ok??

Other options//

obvious one.. sell for a better scope!

option 2/3 try cleaning the built in barlow?? or even remove it all together? this would drastcly reduce magnification but could be worth it for better image??

Thanx shaun

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you have bought a pretty decent eyepiece set, that will serve you well in the future, the Revelations are good performers, not sure what to suggest about the scope though, but best to leave the barlow in place as it was designed to be there

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Try not pushing the magnification too much 9mm and 2 x barlow is stretching. This might help. As someone has already said, just stick to the eyepieces. The positive thing out of all this is that you have a very useful eyepiece etc kit. Good luck with however you go forward with this. Lots of stuff on here on choosing the right telescope. 

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Yea i did notice just using eyepices was a bit clearer.. yea i've seemed to of leapfrogged the eyepices letting the scope down to scope letting the eyepieces down! lol

Thanx, on the look out for something with bigger apature it is.. i'll do alot more research before jumping in this time..

just for some clrification on what ive tried to pick up so far

F/ratio = degree or amount of sky visable - focal length / apature

Magnification = how big the image becomes - Focal length / eyepiece FOV

Soooo... even if the apature increses but the focal length stays the same or even reduces the magnification will stay the same so in essens paying out more money for something thats going to look the same size??

Please forgive me for such silly question if thats the case?

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK cool i'll have a play with the built in barlow and see what happens...

Anyone got some good recomendation for a scope about the same price?

ShaunyC...........Hi, I recommend the Skyliner 200PD, but its a higher price. You`ll note (below) that I still have a Powerseeker 127EQ, second hand,  the value of the books that came with it  was worth the money alone.  I've stripped the 127, cleaned, even centre spotted (for effect). The mirror, being spherical shouldn't  go out of collimation on-axis, but no matter how clean and aligned the scope is, its a poor design, reflected (excuse the pun) in the final image. The best lenses in the World wont help either. You should be able to sell it on, maybe get enough to buy a cheap lens? but a better scope is what's required here.

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The Revelation Plossls work fine in the Skywatcher 200P dob.

I am using the 12mm and 9mm on mine.

I have just bought the 2-inch 42mm Revelation eyepiece last week to get a wide angled 28x magnification for Andromeda / Orion nebula / Pleiades / double cluster etc.

If I had bought the kit instead of individual eyepieces I would have had the 32mm already.

Instead - my £300 eyepiece expenditure so far includes 24mm + 16mm Maxvisions / moon filter / 42mm Rev / 12mm Rev / 9mm Rev / 2x Barlow

The kit costs £110 new, and is and excellent starter to get you going.

It will also teach you what you need to spend your money on in future, if/when you decide to upgrade your EP's (Instead of hunting in the dark)

It's a shame the £60 second hand gear wasn't available to you.

That was a real bargain.

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