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Deep Sky Stacker Help!

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Hi guys, i'm trying to stack 119x210 second light frames in DSS. I am using darks, bias and flats.

I have the amount of images to use set at 98%.

But... every time i stack the data, it uses only 72 frames of the 119. So its giving me an image with around 4 hours of exposure time. At 98% the image should have about 6.5 hours of exposure!

Why am i loosing an 1.5 hours? I've never had this happen before, hopefully one of you helpful people know the cause of this frustration!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Try running through the star detection threshold routine with a few different settings. Aim for 50 to 60%, at least that seems to be the consensus.

As alluded to by someone previously, 119 images at 3 minutes+ each probably gives you room to manoeuvre when selecting the best frames. If some are being dropped that might not be a bad thing. I think if I had that much data I would go lower than that; maybe 90% or lower to skip the junk and keep the nice images.

I don't think using all of the frames is necessarily better if some of them are sub par. Which some probably are.



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