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comet ison


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hi folks,,,reading the November issue of s,a,n,..there is a nice big write up on c/2012 s1 (ison).

It has a near parabolic orbit,this is a first time and one time comet coming from the oort cloud and its claimed it may be the best in a long time...

so how many are going to give it a go and where are you looking to capture this once ever comet,, and with what equipment will you use to do it.....davy......................never boring on here lol

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Its defo on the list too good to miss. There seems to be a lot of debate as to how good its actually going to be. At the start of the year it was the comet of the century but may not be near Hale Bopp standard we have to wait and see.

Most take comets wide field. The SLR lenses will be handy here :grin:

Will also take a few scope shots close up. If it turns out good and the weather plays a bit of video time lapse may come in as well.

Hope its a good one!


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just a thought..would be great if any of the av members going to to the va star party could get some shots if possible..wont make it this time myself due to comittments but I hope its a regular event...davy

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i'm gonna try with 2 camera's, mak 127 or ed 80 with one cam and widefield with the other on the secondary dovetail, just need to get a L shape camera bracket for the widefield cam

must of had the kit out twice in 5 weeks, god dam weather :mad:

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We plan to use one of our 16" SCT's at F3.3 and a Watec 120n for Ison. Looking forward to the Video "meet" on Nov 9th, getting the various video presentation formats ready this week.   :smiley:

 Looking forward to this, wanted to come up a few months back when our club went over to see you but was dragged to a wedding instead :mad:

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