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That didn't last long

Astro Imp

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Saw what looked like being a clearish night so after I'd had my dinner went out and set the gear up.

Came in and while it was getting properly dark earned a few Brownie points by doing the washing up while Mrs Imp watched the dancing.

Got to scan around Cassiopeia, looked at the double cluster, Almach, Eta Cas and M31 (which was very faint to-night). Then moved over to M15 which was a really faint fuzzy which gradually disappeared in the cloud.

Had a look around to see where was clear and saw that the Pleiades had peaked over my neighbour's house so had a quick squint at this beauty and watched this disappear in front of my eyes.

When I looked up from the eyepiece there wasn't a star to be seen, still this was better than most nights recently, at least I managed an hour or so.

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