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Your first Dobsonian...what was your impression?

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oh right, which model are you getting then ?  what extra do you get on the upgraded model ?  £200 is a good price though for a 10" dob , if only I had the spare spondooly's, (sigh)

It is a good deal if you are after q similar model.

I am aiming for this one http://www.teleskop-express.de/shop/product_info.php/info/p1192_GSO-Dobsonian-880---10----250-1250mm-Telescope---Deluxe.html

The model on ABS is this one I think..

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Oh sorry, forgot to update my sig. Dont have the C11 anymore..

I see, the money you could have potentially got for that, that telescope costs a lot new if I had the right one, so you'd buy a nice OOUK VXL10 1600 instead :0) :0). 

I think, the two dobs mentioned by GSO are the same optically, but the more expensive one comes with some nice extras of course, not 100% sure on that, but I strongly suspect the mirrors will be the same anyway, and the extra cost goes into the build elsewhere. I looked a lot into these models, when I was on the verge of almost thinking of buying one ( but travel space restrictions ruled that out in the end).

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I see, the money you could have potentially got for that, that telescope costs a lot new if I had the right one, so you'd buy a nice OOUK VXL10 1600 instead :0) :0). 

I think, the two dobs mentioned by GSO are the same optically, but the more expensive one comes with some nice extras of course, not 100% sure on that, but I strongly suspect the mirrors will be the same anyway, and the extra cost goes into the build elsewhere. I looked a lot into these models, when I was on the verge of almost thinking of buying one ( but travel space restrictions ruled that out in the end).

Having spoken to the guys at TS, they said the more expensive model had a slightly more improved coating. Whatever that might be that makes it different...but like you say, the extra features make up the difference. I'm more for the adjustable axis and dual speed focuser (to be honest, I don't even remember what a single speed focuser felt like - last one was on my 'late' ST80 which I sold a shortly after I put imaging aside).

Speaking of the C11, despite being a beast on planets, I never really found it that intriguing for DSOs...despite the huge aperture I always found the smaller refactor gave sharper contrasty images - slightly less details of course. Plus when I sold it I was pondering getting rid of the equatorial mount as well and reverting to visual only...so you can say, it was inevitable in the end.

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It is good to hear some confirmation that those coatings have indeed improved, as a well known mod around here was less than impressed with their durability after a year on earlier models :0). So if what they say is indeed true, than it would seem they corrected it, or better put, improved it, since no coating is forever :). It for sure was a sticking point for me on the GSO scopes  having that uncertainty.

Personally I never got and answer out of GSO directly, as tactful I tried to put it and see if they'd respond, but I never heard, but TS would have a  lot more leverage no doubt to get that kind of info compared to a random person like me enquiring.

Go for it. :)

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I used my 12-inch Dob last night after more than a year without it. I forgot how hard it is to move it exactly as much as you want! and the straight finder... I just can't get used to it. 

Quite the reason I refrain from going 12"...it's about 10 Kg heavier if you combine the tube and the base.

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It is good to hear some confirmation that those coatings have indeed improved, as a well known mod around here was less than impressed with their durability after a year on earlier models :0). So if what they say is indeed true, than it would seem they corrected it, or better put, improved it, since no coating is forever :). It for sure was a sticking point for me on the GSO scopes  having that uncertainty.

Personally I never got and answer out of GSO directly, as tactful I tried to put it and see if they'd respond, but I never heard, but TS would have a  lot more leverage no doubt to get that kind of info compared to a random person like me enquiring.

Go for it. :)

It was the overcoating that I had concerns about rather than the reflective coatings. Decent overcoating ensures that the reflective coatings have a good life span. A few years back there were rumors that certain GSO made mirrors were not actually overcoated at all so the reflective coatings deteriorated much faster than you would normally expect. Having owned a couple of scopes with GSO mirrors in them and seen quite a few others, I've seen evidence of this first hand.

If this has been addressed now, thats good. 

I hope they fit stronger collimation springs in the 12" scopes and have mirror cells that don't flex quite so much now as well.

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I ordered and received the "basic" 10" GSO model.

It came with a cooling fan pre-installed behind the mirror cell (not specified on the blurb) and the single speed focuser is very good.

I wasn't aware of any differences in coatings and overcoatings - it's just not something I thought to ask about!

I am however returning my mirror as it had some marks on the edge which looked like the mirror had been rotated in the cell without removing the retaining clips. It's all packed up and going back to them to have a look at tomorrow.

In the meantime I'll look at flocking the tube and replacing the cell locking bolts with rubber feet (a more practical use of the space there, I think).

The "basic" model comes with the roller bearing on the ground board and a mighty fine thing it is too! Very smooth and has an adjustable tensioner.


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As a newcomer to this hobby I jumped from a 4" to 8" Skywatcher flex tube and the results were astounding. For me the flex tube idea is silly as I need to split the unit in two to carry it anywhere, however it love my telescope. The views of nebulae and galaxies have been breathtaking along with planets and our moon, such detail and depth are noticed. With respect to goto owners, I enjoy hunting for targets which I found is VERY CHALLENGING! Dobs are the best!

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I'm an optical omnivore and refuse to join any sects. My first (and only) Dob was and is a big one and came into my astronolmical life after refractors, SCTs, Newts, forks both wedged and unwedged, German mounts, portable alt-az etc etc.

What did I make of it? The antidote to imaging. :rolleyes:  I like imaging a great deal but it is cable hassle, IT hassle, complex technology hassle. The Dob is heaven because it has three moving parts and they move in sensible ways. Wonderful, and you can have a big one. Our 20 inch cost a princely £1400.

The Dobsonian is as perfect as the bicycle. A minimalist solution delivering a maximal performance. I used to race karts. Great, but 10 hours in the workshop for half an hour on the track. Then I switched to racing bicycles. 10 hours racing for 10 minutes in the workshop.


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I just imagine I'm holding on to the object when I'm holding the handle, and then move the handle in the direction I want the object to go. EG observing say M31 rising in the east it will slowly drift downwards in the field of view. I want to raise it in the field of view, so I grab the handle, pretend the handle is M31 and just push it upwards.


That's precisely how I imagine it; I 'drag the sky' around rather than the tube.

I too went from an EQ mount to a Dob. I too was worried that I would not get along with the nudging.

The first session out completely washed away my concerns, and I don't miss the EQ mount at all. The speed of set-up, and ease of use more than makes up for a single twist-knob-to-track.

I'm a convert, if you couldn't already tell!

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