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Attachments Enabled

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You can now upload images,documents etc... directly to the forum. This means you no longer have to use an external site to host your images although it is recommended for people who want to store a large number of images or documents to continue using sites such as http://iseestars.net (I know, I'm biased :clouds2: ) simply because the forum is limited in it's ability to organise and manage images and is really designed to help people who do not know how to upload attachments elsewhere.

To upload something along with a post simply click on "Additional Options" at the bottom of the message box, in there is an option to attach, choose the file you want to attach and then when you post the message your attachment should appear with it. Max size per attachment is 250kb and you can attach 4 items per post.



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We haven't realliy discussed it as such but as forum membership grows there will be more and more pressure on bandwidth and space available to us. Thinking long-term my feelings were that people who post odd images or are new to uploading images should feel free to use the forum upload as much as they like but people who post lots of images may be better suited to posting their images to external sources where they can better manage and organise their images.

There are no set rules or limits for using the upload feature, as long as the content is appropriate then feel free to use it as much or as little as you like. My suggestions are in part because I'm biased and don't want to see everyone suddenly stop using Isee Stars but also for people uploading more than an image or two a week then external photo hosting sites offer you greater features without using masses of the forums allowances.

This is a bit of a new area for the forum and we are not entirely sure what bandwidth and space allowances are going to be involved so at the moment it's a case of letting people get on with it and seeing what happens and then taking action as needed.

My other concern that I need to watch out for is image sizes. Although we can control the file size we cannot control the resolution, so somebody could post a picture that takes up alot of screenspace which may mess up the way the thread looks and make it difficult for people to scroll around and read stuff...



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