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Any point getting a camera mount adapter for a 1.25" scope?


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As above I have a 130m skywatcher scope and a canon 1100d and the camera I have picked up recently, i've been doing some images with the camera on a tripod for wide field but i'm wondering about connecting it to my eyepiece as well.

The adaptor doesn't seem too expensive and i'd like to try and use my DSLR to get some better lunar images, and maybe try it out on some other stuff as well but I know mounting it straight with an eyepiece is going to be too much of a maginifcation.

What I am not sure on is if i looked at getting one of these - http://www.firstlightoptics.com/adaptors/flo-125-inch-t-mount-camera-adapter.html, then would a 2" extension tube fit and if so what size or is that not possible?

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As above I have a 130m skywatcher scope and a canon 1100d and the camera I have picked up recently, i've been doing some images with the camera on a tripod for wide field but i'm wondering about connecting it to my eyepiece as well.

The adaptor doesn't seem too expensive and i'd like to try and use my DSLR to get some better lunar images, and maybe try it out on some other stuff as well but I know mounting it straight with an eyepiece is going to be too much of a maginifcation.

What I am not sure on is if i looked at getting one of these - http://www.firstlightoptics.com/adaptors/flo-125-inch-t-mount-camera-adapter.html, then would a 2" extension tube fit and if so what size or is that not possible?

Provided that your telescope has enough inward focus tube travel to accomodate the back focus of the DSLR, your best bet is to buy a canon T adapter and a nose piece and then mount the camera in the focuer ( Prime Focus Position ) in which case the telescope becomes a long telephoto lens for your camera. Do check that your telescope can accomodate a DSLR for imaging before forking out £30.00+. Eye piece projection usually yields very poor results compared to Prime Focus.


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Hi Chris,I have used a t ring + 1.25 nose piece off an extension tube.Srew nosepiece into t ring add a barlow to nosepiece and into telescope.This was a SW 130m with 2.5 x barlow.Ok for lunar.

Im sure the Older blue 130 like mine wasnt able to reach prime focus due to primary mirror nót close enough!


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