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Synscan and PHD?

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I have been looking for a simple answer to this...

Can I use PHD to guide my EQ3/2 Synscan mount using the existing RS232 cable that I have connected to the handset that is driven by Stellarium, or do I absolutely have to to have another arrangement driving the ST4 port on the mount?

It would be odd if guiding could not be done via the handset using the existing PC/handset cable, but that is the impression I am getting.

An simple answers appreciated? (yes or no?!)

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Don't confuse guiding with tracking and GOTO...completely different things.

To use PHD to guide you need a separate guide camera connected both to PHD and either via a direct ST-4 (usually from the camera ie QHY5 etc) or through another cable (GPUSB by Shoestring etc) to the guide port on the mounting.

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I have set up an off-axis guider with a camera. This goes  going into my laptop and the feed from the camera goes into PHD fine. PHD can communicate with my mount via serial cable -> handset (in PC DIRECT mode). Mount is seen fine by the computer using an ASCOM/EQMOD driver.

I can't vouch for the quality of the guiding yet as it has been raining for 2 days straight but I've tested comms and everything is 'seeing' everything else.

I was going to make a pretend star using a bit of black card and some tippex to test it out from the safety of my shed but I've not had time yet.



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Thanks for the answers everyone.

I understand the difference between go-to and guiding and will be hooking up a guide scope and camera.

As I hoped, guiding via the handset looks possible. I just wanted to save buying more gear if unnecessary.

Stellarium controls the mount fine if I don't use PC direct mode, so I am surprised that it needs to on to guide using PHD.

Just down to software I suppose.

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Ah yes, sorry I didn't catch the Stellarium bit. If you want to control your mount using PHD it will need to be via EQMOD with the handset in PC DIRECT mode. That means you'll have to use EQMOD driver and PC DIRECT mode for Stellarium too. I've found the easiest way to do this is to get Stellariumscope which you point at the EQMOD ASCOM driver then click 'send config to Stellarium' or some such which writes the config data to Stellarium. It will appear in your Telescope Plugins list as 3 separate scopes which should all connect automatically. Shout if you need more assistance with this and I can screen shot it for you. Basically guide camera feed goes into PHD which sends EQMOD driver commands out through the handset in PC DIRECT mode.

Stellarium will work simultaneously for slewing and goto commands and will reflect the changes PHD makes to your mount position. Stellariumscope also has a Sync function in case things are a little off when you goto. Providing the target is centered, wherever it shows in Stellarium, you hit ctrl+3 and it will move the cross hair representation of your mount position accordingly.


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