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An imaging obs, in Northumberland


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Price, Oh I know, but I wanted something that was already done rather than have to design a dome, build and automate it.  Having said that it has been quite a lot of effort just mounting it and taken me every weekend since September to get this far.  Looking at how the dome is motorised, they appear to have used 12V car windscreen wiper motors or similar and a chain drive.  The dome rotates on wheels and both dome and opening has a metal cog on the motor with linear gear teeth on the dome/opening.

The whole idea of this project was to have my scope permanently set up and available for use in a short time.  Plus I like the idea of setting it up and going to bed leaving it running under it's own control.  I have bought a cloud/rain sensor which will shut it down if cloud comes across, but haven't wired it in yet, plus I need to be confident that it will work reliably.

So much to do and not enough time to get it all done.


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Gina, I am not surprised you don't have any spare time what with anodising and making adapters on a lathe.  I have really enjoyed all the work in fixing in my obs, there is still a whole load of jobs to do but it has given me satisfaction completing the tasks and seeing the whole lot come together.  Sorry, there was one task I hated, digging the trench for the mains power cable, I hate that, it makes my back hurt trying to get all of the soil out of a 600mm narrow trench, rant over.


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Gonzo, pity about the price, it would have suited your German project.

It would be ideal as it seems to be quite compact. You never know I might end up with one as I haven't ordered my bespoke little box.

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It was $5,000 US which is about £3,100, shipping was around £400 to the UK, but import tax, agent handling fee, onward shipping and VAT came to another £1,400.  It might be cheaper to import one direct in to Germany, not sure how their import duty and VAT compares?  If you get it in the UK, then you will need a small van to get it across there as I doubt it will fit in a car.  The top is easily removable, one section might go in a hatch back but I doubt you would get two in.

It is a shame that no one makes one this small in the UK (hint hint to UK obs manufacturers), I think they could be a winner as not everyone has space for a full sized dome.  I reckon we do have space for a 2.2m dome, but MrsDrRobin is certain we do not.  Apparently we live in a democracy so that's the end of it, we don't have space.


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Yes indeed, I can definitely see a market for a nice little dome like this one.  And with all the automation built it it would me ideal for imaging.  Lots of advantages.  eg. sit indoors with your OH and control it all from the comfort of your chair or settee.  You'll be keeping them company and available if you're caring for someone.  If someone could produce one for a couple of grand I think they'd be onto a winner :)

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That is what I have been doing tonight, sat inside with MrsDrRobin watching TV, whilst glancing at PHD graphs now and again. Aparently she doesn't like the idea of the computer running in the corner of the living room now. I go and sit another room I get called unsociable, I can't win.


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That is what I have been doing tonight, sat inside with MrsDrRobin watching TV, whilst glancing at PHD graphs now and again. Aparently she doesn't like the idea of the computer running in the corner of the living room now. I go and sit another room I get called unsociable, I can't win.


been there done that... but now after nearly 16 years together she leaves alone when I play with my astro stuff or the Mustang.

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Fortunately for me she goes to bed early, so I can get on with the serious imaging and watch what I want on the TV. Just watching a programme about comet Ison on BBC two HD, nice.

Everything seems to have settled down outside and I am getting some good subs of M33. I will have to pack up and go and do some darks soon, work tomorrow so can't be up too late.


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Part 9 - Mission Control

There has been a lot said about true astronomy is sitting outside with your scope looking through the eyepiece or generally watching over it, but for the imager, there isn't much to do once it is guiding and imaging and I would be rather sitting inside glancing at a computer screen now and again whilst doing something else.  Apart from anything else, it is a lot warmer.


My screen from last night.


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That is what I have been doing tonight, sat inside with MrsDrRobin watching TV, whilst glancing at PHD graphs now and again. Aparently she doesn't like the idea of the computer running in the corner of the living room now. I go and sit another room I get called unsociable, I can't win.


Buy your wife a tablet and you can tap away together :-) Nice obsy and results - I was fooled over size by initial pics :-)
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Thanks. I bought my wife an iPad last year, she uses it for buying clothes on-line, can't see the appeal myself, but each to their own.

Latest obs news, my C11 is now installed and it is a very tight fit, in fact I won't rule out having to move the dome again, major hassle. This is going to have to wait until after Xmas. I would say there is all of 5mm of clearance from the front of the scope and about the same from the camera to the obs walls at the back, a little too close for comfort.


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I am not getting much done on the obs at the moment, but my C11 is seeing some use tonight on M27 and hopefully Jupiter later. It has just survived it's first storm, 46Kt gust and very heavy rain/snow. I am happy to say it is bone dry inside, no water and no ice. I am getting 240 sec subs at the moment in 11Kt winds and even though there was some ice on the dome and it is all over the decking it is still easy enough to get it going, that is why I went the obs route, get some imaging in when it isn't fit to set the scope up outside.

I suffered a set back on my Cloud/Rain sensor, it seemed it had a fault or a calibration issue. It went back on Tuesday and has been fixed and coming back to me tomorrow, that is good service.

I have also decided to buy a wireless game pad to make nudging an focusing easier. My laptop is fine, but my iPad won't adjust the on-screen buttons so I need an easier way of nudging the scope and adjusting the focus, looks like this will do it. On Michael Wilkinson's recommendation I have gone for Speedlink Stike FX wireless and went for the funky clear one with red LEDs.


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