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Canon ESO 600D advice please


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I would appreciate your views in selecting a camera for imaging. I am looking at the Canon ESO 600D. I aim to use it either through a laptop or a remote shutter release and attached to a scope or wide angle shots through an attached lens. The flip screen appeals to me which would be useful when imaging at the zenith. Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Best DSLR camera for imaging is reckoned to be the 1100D - good sensitivity and low noise and no bells and whistles that aren't wanted for astro imaging.  That's for a dedicated astro camera.

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The 600D is a superb camera for astrophotography I have both a standard and a modded version, the flip screen is fantastic and having the iso and display on/off buttons next to the shutter release is perfect for operating in the dark. I recently bought a second-hand 1100D solely for time-lapse imaging and was amazed that it didn't have mirror lock up function which I think is essential if your using long focal lengths.


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I have a mod'd 650D and it is a great camera. I like the flip screen and being able to view it at any angle.

I do not think there is a huge difference between the 600 and the 650, more in the bells and whistles department rather than huge technical differences. I have used mine with Backyard EOS which though it has to be paid for (around $30) it is well worth it as it is Canon dedicated.

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