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Jupiter, moons, Orion Nebula and shooting stars


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I finally had the opportunity this morning to get up early to few some of the best views since I got my telescope a few months ago, thanks to a clear sky.

The alarm woke me at 4.50am on a Sunday morning and I would be lying if I said I wasn't tempted to just turn over and go back to sleep, but the thought of seeing a planet billions of miles away with my own eyes pushed me onwards.

I got my scope out of the shed to cool whilst I made a good strong cup of coffee.

The sky looked quite daunting at first as I was used to the night sky and hadn't seen Orion since last winter. It took me a while to find my bearings but Jupiter was so bright it was hard to miss!

I tried out my 25mm super Plossl first and WOW! My first planet! Not very big but clearly Jupiter.

After a few minutes I wanted more, my 10mm super Plossl went it - I was gobsmacked! I could clearly see 2 coloured bands and at least 2 moons. I kept looking form scope to sky in wonder at what i was seeing. After a good ten minutes of tracking and gawping (giddy like a schoolboy) I tried my son's 5mm Plossl from his Celestron 70 telescope (pretty cheap lens) and even though it took some fine tweaking to focus - Jupiter was there, in focus looking spectacular.

A rogue cloud obscured my view so I quickly popped back in my 25mm and went hunting for the Great Orion Nebula. It wasn't hard to find as you are probably aware but the view was amazing. The nebula was so clearly defined even through the 25mm, so much so that the 10mm didn't really add anything in terms of clarity.

I then nipped across to Pleidaes which again looked fantastic - I think the light pollution was much reduced compared to the night.

But then back to Jupiter - WOW again - I'm pretty sure I won't ever get bored of seeing it!!

Mars next and comet ISON - fingers crossed for more early morning clear skies.

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I couldn't do what you did and get up at that time of the morning.

I used my scope for the first time last night and I was at a dark site until 3 o'clock this morning, packed up because the dew was going too much.

I managed to see the bands on Jupiter and 3 of its moons using my 8mm BST.

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