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Getting started book

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Can anyone recommend a DSLR based 'getting started with imaging' book?  At this point I am interested in tracking, lens choice, mounts, suitable first light targets.  Then on to the stacking and software bits and bobs.

I already have a Pentax K-m with a 50mm prime on its way.  An EQ3-2 mount with tracking, (all either donated or ebayed) so probably am ready to go, but it would be the perfect read for me :)

Many thanks

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I had a look at Covington's book on Amazon, it was a bit weird I could access all the chapters I wanted through the 'Look inside' bit.  Why do they do that?

Cracking read but a bit like when you watch a tv add for a forthcoming film, you get to see all the best bits and don't feel like watching it.  I really did like the way the book sets little projects to get you going, excellent contribution to the sport as far as I am concerned.

I have ordered make every photon count book from the sponsors here, if its half as good as Covington's contribution I will be very pleased indeed.

Thanks everyone!

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