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127 Mak eyepiece Q and diagonal

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I currently have:

6mm, 9mm, 32mm GSO super plossl's, a 15mm Antares plossl, and the supplied 25mm celestron that came with the scope.

I also have a celestron Omni 2x barlow.

I like the build quality per price of the GSO's, but find the 32mm quite difficult to use - not sure how to explain but the view blackens (I guess I'm seeing the edges of the tube?)

Don't really understand FOV etc, but have read somewhere that the maximum FOV for the 127, would be 50 degrees.  The GSO I believe is 52 degrees.  So, can anyone recommend an alternative to the 32 GSO?  or is it perfectly suitable?  Are there any "holes" in my collection that somebody could advise me on?

Also, is there any mileage in upgrading the diagonal or is the supplied one just as good as an aftermarket one?

Thanks in advance.


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I don't see any obvious gaps in your set. If you find the 32mm GSO plossl dims at the edges you might consider the 30mm Vixen NPL which has a slightly smaller apparent field of 50 degrees. It's a nice plossl as well  :smiley:

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I have the Revelation 32mm plossl which is the GSO one with different writing on and I use it a lot.  It has kittens if put in my f/4.7 dob, but otherwise it's a really useful eyepiece to have and I won't be getting rid of it in a hurry.  I've not noticed a problem with it in my Mak in terms of the field of view, but I believe the clouds are due to part sometime in 2018, so assuming I'm not busy that night I'll have a quick peek to check.


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I don't see any obvious gaps in your set. If you find the 32mm GSO plossl dims at the edges you might consider the 30mm Vixen NPL which has a slightly smaller apparent field of 50 degrees. It's a nice plossl as well  :smiley:

I have used both and given the choice,i much prefer the the 32mm GSO over the 30mm NPL. I LOVE NPL's, but the 32mm GSO in my eyes is far superior.

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