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Hitecastro DC Focus ASCOM 64 bit?

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Hey all

My HitecAstro DC Focus works a treat with the official software but to get it to work in Backyard EOS I believe I need to set it up via the more generic ASCOM route. Unfortunately the ASCOM driver is throwing up an error when I try to connect to it in ASCOM Diagnostics. Anyone got any ideas or am I being dim?



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Thanks for the response man. Yeah, have that one already. BYE is recognising it as connected but doesn't do anything. On testing with the diagnostics in ASCOM I got the error. Weird.

Not really the end of the world, it works fine with the supplied software. Might email the BYE developer dude.

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Well. I'm the BackyardEOS developer dude :) so I'll try to help here.

This looks to me like a 64 versus 32 bits driver issue.

BYE is a 32 bits app and therefor requires the 32 bits drivers of your ASCOM driver.  Some vendor have both 32 and 64 bits driver so you may want to verify you have the correct one.

The reason ASCOM diagnostics is throwing an error is probably because you have a 32 bits OS and therefore ASCOM diagnostics runs in 32 bits and you're using a 64 bits driver for your focuser ...OR... the other way around.

Keep us posted and feel free to send me a direct email.


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Merci Guylain. Great bit of software you have there. Bargain!

Yeah, you're quite right - HitecAstro have confirmed this too. I'm getting a message from the BYE log saying "ASCOM Focuser Connection Lost!" if this gives any clues?

The driver is ASCOM compliant and works for both 32 and 64 bit I'm told.



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  • 2 weeks later...

WhenI spoke to HiTec about this I was told that the diagnostics does additional checks/tests so throws this error, however the driver will work in either a 32 or 64 bit environment.  I have found that the driver behaves well even though the diagnostics complains.



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Now all working with APT and the Hitecastro software. Great bit if kit. Will be able to stay indoors and focus the scope now, previously had to carry the laptop outside, focus and bring it back in again before starting the imaging session. Now apart from connecting the cables all can be controlled from the warmth of the house.

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