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Best Powermate for 300P?


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Thinking about a TV Powermate for the 300P to start a bit of Imaging, once Jupiter comes up later on in the year. I'll be using a 1.25" fitting as a) it's cheaper and B) my cams will fit. Seeing as the 'scope is f/5, is there a preferable Powermate, or should I just go for all out power and get the 5x?

Cheers as always :)

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5x would be the most I would go. I have a 5x powermate with a 10" f4 and I wouldn't want it any more dim. It also depends on your camera. I would personally aim for f15-f20 but that's just me and i'm only just getting into this planetary game myself.

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Cheers chaps, for the input. I suppose the limitations to power experienced by observers are less of an issue, with regards to the whole video capture scenario? By which I mean our rubbish seeing isn't so much of a hindrance to a higher powered setup?

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The seeing will still knock the end result around a lot but its then even more important to be able to get a good framerate with the camera. For Saturn I wouldn't want to image over f20, not sure about the others.

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Is this a motorised dob, or manual? If it's manual I think I'd try without a barlow/powermate at all to start with. Imaging at an effective focal length of 7.5m with the 5x powermate will be quite a challenge I think.


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Ah, on a GEM you stand a much better chance. In that case I'd probably go for the 5x PowerMate. Working up to it still sounds like a good idea though. At that sort of focal length it's only going to take the tiniest wobble to shift the image off the sensor, so practising at the easier multiplier first probably makes sense.


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Thinking about a TV Powermate for the 300P to start a bit of Imaging, once Jupiter comes up later on in the year. I'll be using a 1.25" fitting as a) it's cheaper and B) my cams will fit. Seeing as the 'scope is f/5, is there a preferable Powermate, or should I just go for all out power and get the 5x?

Cheers as always :)

hi i would go for the 5x powermate brings your scope up to F25 Iish which is ideal when the seeing permits you could stack other systems to try and get around F30-45!!! hope this helps stuy
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