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What's the does the h or n stand for in skywatcher eq mounts?

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Hi all,

I now have making every photon count and working my way through the book. Definitely pleased that you guys recommended it to me. Certainly the best buy so far. I have now decided on the skywatcher refractor ed 80mm.

However I have another question to ask whilst I've been looking at eq mounts. Sorry if his has been asked before.i don't understand this bit. Hopefully not too basic question.

What does the h and n stand for in the mount descriptions for example neq6 heq5.

Many thanks


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Sorry read the original post wrong.

I do that a lot. :grin:

P.s Dave, that book is fantastic. I had to read it a few times to understand parts. I always find myself referring back to it when a problem arises. It's helped me out a lot.

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Morning all,

I am mow more confused. I kind of figured there was some logic to the first letter prefixes to eq bit.

I am not sure if making every photon count covers this topic yet.

however my initial plans for astrophotography is to attach a canon eos 60d to a 80mm or s a 102mmed refractor. I would like to piggy back this to my current skywatcher130p or better at a later stage. I understand the numbering refers to better motors and larger payloads. Which leads me to another couple of questions. Could I use my current goto handset on an eq mount? Ie just redo the firmware to tell its an eq mount?

Is there much difference in stability between a celestron and skywatcher eq mounts for astrophotography?

I knew the book would raise a few more questions.


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You could ask Skywatcher what the h and n mean. Only joking, they wouldn't respond. You could email FLO who might know being a dealer...

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4

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I always thought of the N in NEQ6 & NEQ3 as meaning 'new' but I don't think that us the official meaning. They are the newer updated versions though.

The H in HEQ5 is a bit different. I am pretty sure it stands for 'heavy duty', 'high capacity' or 'high precision'. I would like to think that Skywatcher had the EQ5 and EQ6 and brought out a mount in between and didn't like the idea of an EQ5.5. Design-wise it is unrelated to the EQ5 and should really be regarded as NEQ6 'light'.

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Adam, at times like that I am glad I have enough posts to edit the things.

Before I dig a really big hole to fall into. My apologies.

Think there was an EQ6, that promptly became the NEQ6. One of those things that SW do an early update and differentiate it by a small cnange in the designation.

There may still be both but the NEQ6 may simply outsell the other so the EQ6 is not offered. Have a vague idea that the EQ6 was a bit close to the HEQ5 for carrying capacity. Need someone like FLO to fill in the history.

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Hi all,

I am pleased that wasn't a stupid question as I had initially thought :laugh:.it seems choosing the right mount isn't as easy as choosing a telescope.



Choosing between the HEQ-5 and NEQ-6 is actually fairly easy, well maybe...

HEQ-5 is lighter but the largest aperture you probably should put on it is 150mm, although you can get away with more :). In this regard, it is less future proof

NEQ-6 is heavier and can support larger apertures, 200mm is comfortable, 250 is certainly manageable and 300 is about on the limit, it is more future proof.

If your only imaging scopes are going to be ~80mm then there is no need to get an NEQ-6, but if you're planning larger newtonians (because 10" ED or Apo refractors are ridiculously expensive) then it makes sense.

HTH :)

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