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Offset secondary

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Calling all Skywatcher Skyliner 200mm dob owners. Does your scope have an offset secondary similar to the attached photo?

If not, then how do I correct it ?

The collimation is near as makes no difference to perfect for visual observing.

Incidentally the larger dark area of the offset is towards the primary.

Clear skies.



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I've spent 2 hours this afternoon fiddling with mine and in frustration ended up with it like the photo, thinking I'll never get the hang of this collimation lark. I feel a lot better now - thank you all

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I would like to clarify that the secondary mirror silhouette will appear shifted for a properly collimated scope regardless of whether the secondary mirror was mounted on its stalk centrally or with an offset. Attached is a view from my scope with a centrally mounted secondary mirror.



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I would like to clarify that the secondary mirror silhouette will appear shifted for a properly collimated scope regardless of whether the secondary mirror was mounted on its stalk centrally or with an offset. Attached is a view from my scope with a centrally mounted secondary mirror.


Excellent news, thanks Jason. Very useful tip.

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interesting Jason. didn't realise that.

Refer to attachments. Whether the secondary mirror mounted centrally or with an offset away from the focuser, upon the completion of proper collimation the optical axis of the primary mirror will strike the secondary mirror above its geometric center -- that is what shifts the secondary mirror silhouette. The distance between the optical axis intersection point and the geometric center is about the same in both cases -- that is why the amount of the secondary mirror silhouette shift will appear about the same in both cases.






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