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Philips Webcam?

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I'm not certain, to be honest. It's the same body design as an SPC900, but I think they did several models like that.


Although it could be a 880,this can easily be flashed to a 900

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Indeed, if it were an 880 that wouldn't be a problem. My concern is that Philips used that case design for loads of different camera models. Some were different colours which makes them easy to discount, but I'm not sure that all black ones with grey side panels are SPC900s or 880s. I think they probably are, but I wouldn't absolutely guarantee it.


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I would agree that it is in all probability a genuine Philips SPC 900 NC. The popular Philips 880 ones, which can be over written to convert to the 900, does not have the word Philips written on the front, at least mine does not :)

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Great stuff! Thanks for the input, everyone. I found a Seben Big Boss (yeah, I know!) on Gumtree today. However, this little beauty was among the bundle and wanted to make sure I didn't waste a 60 mile round trip.

Now, who wants a Big Boss to go with their collection? Didn't think so... :grin:

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