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What is required to take photos on a Canon DSLR?

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Hi all - I know you have to use a T-Mount and threaded tube adaptor, and I have the T-Mount but where do I get the tube adaptor? There seems to be a range of items and they're all a bit confusing... it's for a Skywatcher 150p if that helps?



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The 1.25" eyepiece adaptor unscrews into two parts to reveal a T thread. You screw a Canon fit T ring onto this thread, fit the camera body onto it (no lens needed, the telescope becomes the lens) then you focus using the telescope focuser.

Unfortunately, there is a lot more to it than just fitting the camera and pressing the shutter button. If your interest is in long-exposure deep sky astrophotography, then your first step should be to read Making Every Photon Count by Steve Richards (Steppenwolf here on SGL).

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The 1.25" eyepiece adaptor unscrews into two parts to reveal a T thread. You screw a Canon fit T ring onto this thread, fit the camera body onto it (no lens needed, the telescope becomes the lens) then you focus using the telescope focuser.

Unfortunately, there is a lot more to it than just fitting the camera and pressing the shutter button. If your interest is in long-exposure deep sky astrophotography, then your first step should be to read Making Every Photon Count by Steve Richards (Steppenwolf here on SGL).

Cheers everyone - I've been imaging for a while now just using the DSLR and a 300mm lens (my profile pic is actually Saturn using this camera!) and I managed to get hold of a Philips ToUCam Pro 2 which I hope to image with using Registax. But my main issue has always been lack of funds to get a proper telescope with a motorised mount. But now I've managed to get hold of a Skywatcher 150p on an Eq3 Pro2 with Synscan.

So something that was always a pipe dream is suddenly a reality and all these skills I've been learning I can put into use on the scope; I have found the right T Mount but just wasn't sure how to get the camera onto the scope itself.

I'll have a look at the eyepiece adaptor itself (I've only just set the scope up) and I'll read up on that link thanks.

many thanks


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Which Canon do you have?

As advised above you will need a T ring, this basically is the form, fit & function adapter that you screw/insert into the camera body. The other end has a thread which should allow direct attachment to the focusing device on your 'scope but without the eyepiece being in the way. Your 'scope becomes a super telephoto lens.

If you have live view on your camera then this will help. APT is good and free. Another package is Backyard EOS, dedicated to Canon cameras. My copy cost $25 as a download. Works beautifully and is intuitive.

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