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Finally my own homepage, have a peek


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How's it going guys,

I've finally decided it was time to bite the bullet & get my self a proper homepage for my imaging, instead of sticking to free online galleries.

I've been looking for a "automatic" front end solution, without having to write code every time I update the page or upload an image, which is the reasons I've come to settle for online galleries. But having little to do during the bright Swedish summer, I decided to check the market for some skilled webdesigners. But belive me, I was extremely put off by the high prices, so I figured I just had to do it myself.

With webdesign-skills that stops with creating <a href links & <img src and so on, it was quite some stuff to learn. After some initial research, I figured I needed to learn php & mysql. Got my self some "php & mysql for dummies" books & started to build my page from scratch, knowing the stuff I wanted but not having a slightest idea how to implement it.

Here's what my homepage do (when I'm logged in).

I go to the "upload image" page & attach a file... I fill out the fields with catalog-name, date shot, select my scope, mount, guiding-mode from dropdown-lists, enter number of exposures & exposure-lengths for each filter, and optionally attach an annotated version of the image, which will be displayed in "mouse-over" style. When I click "submit", my homepage loads the image, scales it into thumbnail-version and medium version, and puts it in the gallery, this process takes less than a minute, and the finished image-viewing calculates the combined exposure-times as well, and shows the different information supplied in correct fields in the image-info.

I also can resize all uploaded images to new medium & thumbnail-sizes with a single mouse-click.

The same is done with the news-section, just fill out a couple of fields and the homepage is updated.I also wrote a custom php/mysql guestbook (please drop a line :)

I still got some way to go, all content isn't available yet, but it's coming...

Rant rant rant, here's the url! (also subject for change later) : www.grinderphoto.se

Best Regards

Jonas Grinde

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Nice images, and fast opening speeds. good luck with website looking good so far :grin:

Cheers mate, I was curious about the speed with the Swedish web hotell I'm using, especially since every image-view sends 5 different queries to the database before showing the page to pick up camera-name, exposures & such. Thanks for trying it out

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Thats a great looking website. One thing I found hard to read was when I opened an image to find the details about it the lettering color for Lum, Red,Green,Blue,Ha. Not sure if its just my screen at work but I can barely see them.

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That looks good Jonas! Nice and simple with focus on the actual images. The annotations are a nice extra - how does one go about to do that?

(Thinking about doing a less advanced site dedicated to urban imaging myself one rainy week).

Thanks for the link!


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