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White light Sun, 18th July


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I have data still to process, but this is my last image from the Charente-Maritime for this holiday. I captured the images for this and the kit was all packed in the car straight afterwards. As if to mark the occasion for the first time this evening there was a small rainstorm, so heavy I almost got slightly damp cycling to the restaurant for dinner. Early breakfast tomorrow and then it's pedal to the metal (as far as is possible in Ford Focus diesel estate) until we get to Roscoff for the ferry tomorrow afternoon. The unusual nature of my lifestyle is such that I'll probably have driven further in the last two weeks than I have in the entire preceeding fifty.

Anyhow, enough of the waffle. Here's the image.


120 frames of 1/1000th @ ISO100, 450D & 127 Mak. Preprocessed using PIPP and 40 frames stacked in Registax v6.


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