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Newbie - Lenses info/advice.

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Hi Everyone,

I have recently been Stargazing a few times with my Brother who has a SkyWatcher EQ1. I have always been interested in all aspects of astronomy and sciences and finally decided to put some decent time into Stargazing.

The reflector that I'm going to purchase is the SkyWatcher 200P EQ5. I would appreciate any opinions on the Scope I have chosen and also any advice on what's the best Lenses to buy for starting up (maybe even some links).

Thanking Everyone in advance,

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The 200P is a good scope, not sure if you have the f/5 or f/6 variant.

The EQ5 is really just solid enough for the scope, they don't seel the scope on mounts that are easily able to take them.

You will want a set of motors fairly quick, it really is so much easier if the scope tracks without you having to fiddle everything.

Eyepieces, taking the easy way out start collecting the BST Skyguiders, £47 a piece.

Also the selection would suit the scope fairly well.

Sky the Limit sell them, this is their ebay site. 2 sites around for what ever reason, other is more direct to Alan that runs the business.

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Thanks for the fast and accurate replies! I'll take your advice and wait before purchasing any new EP's. I'll check the forum for the most suited motor too as I already know from my very brief experiences, it will be vital for me.

Again thanks for the advice, much appreciated.

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very good choice of scope, as for eyepieces, like most of us we

want to see more and get better views, so we want better of everything,

which is, as most will say, get the hang of the stock eyepieces you get

with the scope, then you will know what you need to upgrade, have a look

at this link http://www.swindonstargazers.com/beginners/eyepieces.htm it's

a very good guide for beginners, and has other links to help you understand

the fundamentals of eyepieces. You will really enjoy that scope.

Good Luck and Clear Sky's

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the scope you have chosen is an excellent scope but personally for visual observing I find equatorial mounts a pain in the neck, literally and metaphorically. some love them but I don't. for visual I much prefer a dobsonian telescope. I'd recommend before you buy, if you can go to a star gazing meeting and see a few scopes and maybe even use one like the one you mention. then try a dob, there's usually a few at any meeting. then you can make an informed choice. unfortunately I'm up north so cannot help.

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