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Cartes du Ciel - Frustratingly Slow


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I'm used to using Stellarium for looking for objects. I normally just spin the sky around with the mouse and ffd and rwd time, all nice and smooth. I just installed Cartes du Ciel to take advantages of the additional textures for DSOs and larger object library but i find the interface frustratingly slow.

Does anyone else have the same experience? Is there a setting or 2 I need to change to speed things up a bit?

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I had that for a while. It seemed strangely sluggish. Could be a laptop power issue. Does it happen even when you've just got CDC running ie no eqmod/phd? The stellarium UI is much superior IMO so you'll always get that 'feeling' when using CDC.

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I have same problem, I do have a high end laptop (i7 2.2GHz, 8GB RAM, 64 bit,Geforce GT555M) and run it off mains power during astro but makes no difference, I used to run Stellarium but found it didn't seem to interface to my EQ6 as well as CDC. I may be trying Stellarium again soon its just I rarely get to use my set up right now so don't want to rock the boat as everything works (touch wood lol)

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I had that for a while. It seemed strangely sluggish. Could be a laptop power issue. Does it happen even when you've just got CDC running ie no eqmod/phd? The stellarium UI is much superior IMO so you'll always get that 'feeling' when using CDC.

This was just CdC without eqmod/phd. I don't think it's anything to do with laptop power/performance. Laptop was plugged in and is an i3 with 6GB RAM and an SSD drive. It runs Stellarium without a hitch so I figured CdC should be no issue.

I think it's just the way CdC displays the charts and when you try to scroll up/down/left/right, it has to redraw them every step and that just slows it down.

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I had it running just on it's own. How do you navigate around the sky? I was using the sliders on the side/bottom of the chart to pan around. Maybe there is a quicker way?

If you are using a mouse you can hold down the mouse wheel and drag the screen.

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I do find it quite slow but I don't use it a lot. find a target, slew to target, sync target, that tends to be it for the night so I can put up with the slowness.... hmm slowness... did I just invent a word? :D

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I have two versions of CdC. On the laptop I have installed all the additional catalog files and on the desktop, it has just the basic stars and dso catalogs. The desktop one runs MUCH faster than the laptop one. If you don't need the extras, removing them might speed it up a bit.


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I find CDC's performance pretty poor on the netbook I use for observing, makes it pretty tedious to use which is a shame as I prefer its user interface to Stellarium. One thing I found makes a big difference is turning off "Anti-alias drawing" in the Display settings.

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How does Stellarium make a difference in mount control when comparing to CdC?

I mean, what is the actual problem?

you need to install "stellarium scope" I think it's called. For me, it's just another piece of software that can go wrong. I guess at the end of the day there's as many people happy with it as there are not....It just comes down to personal preference I suppose :)
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you need to install "stellarium scope" I think it's called. For me, it's just another piece of software that can go wrong. I guess at the end of the day there's as many people happy with it as there are not....It just comes down to personal preference I suppose :)

Apart from that I mean. Better syncs? Better goto?

Better what?

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I'm running my things on a dell mini 9 with on board graphics and 2GB RAM. Have put in another hard drive too.

Since updating my drivers this little machine is working wonders.

Turned off automatic updates for windows and am very selective when it comes to allowing program's to run on start up.

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