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Comet Holmes is huge!

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3rd December and its got enormous.


(click to enlarge)

This is a full frame D50 DSLR shot through the ED80, if it grows any more I'll have to mosaic the thing. I could have cropped the amp glow out, but then it wouldn't be a full frame and not so "big". This is a stack of 3 minute shots at ISO1600, I can't see a tail with this setup so I'm going to have to get a wider FOV to see whats there.

Kaptain Klevtsov

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That's a Bingo shot KK, so many stars in the field too. I didn'teven notice the Amp Glow, I was so taken with the immensity of this beast. It seems to have a life of it's own this fellow. It's a pity we can't get it's namesake Sherlock to investigate the strange behaviour.


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