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Books for the beginner

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There is such a wide choice of reading material around that it is a little confusing to find the right one. I am looking for a good book which covers the basics of astromony. ie: what to look for, what direction to point my bins etc, etc. I am also looking for a good star map which maybe some of you have tried and rave about.

I would appreciate your help.

A book on punctuation would also be welcomed....

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My favourite beginners' book is Nightwatch http://www.amazon.co.uk/Nightwatch-Practical-Guide-Viewing-Universe/dp/0713679395/ref=pd_bbs_sr_6?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1196677609&sr=8-6

It starts with basics and works up, with good maps too!

If you have a telescope then a next good buy is Turn left at Orion which gives you a 100 targets for a small scope and shows you how to find them.



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Hi Rider

Check out the pamphlets produced by the Irish Astro federation IFAS - they have a few challenges for people to earn certificates I think and there's a novice, binocular and messier objects challenge. The binocular one ought to keep you busy!

They are all on the web, Google for IFAS observing challenges - confusingly it also appears as 'observering'.

All the best


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