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Too many accessories and EPs, want to build an astro box for all...


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I'm thinking about building a wooden box with two or three trays. Will pad it with packing foam .

I'm getting this box, and this foam and an MDF board to create a tray (like a tool box really)

Accessories and eyepieces are spread across 4 flight cases, and it's starting to get on my nerves. I'd like to put everything in one single box.

Will be interested in hearing DIY experts' opinions. If somebody built such a box, would be great having a look :)


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It's amazing how much stuff you accumulate :smile:

I used a couple of those plastic 4 drawer storage cabinets you get at Wilkinson/Poundstretcher etc., with some of the drawers fitted out with foam for the more delicate items. I then wrapped a couple of luggage straps around each to keep the drawers in place and to act as carrying handles when lugging them around.

Cheap, simple and still in use though now just static inside the observatory.

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Well, sometimes during an observing session the last thing I want to do is open yet another flight case and look for the eyepiece. I just want everything within my reach and less hassle putting everything away after the session.

Yeah, it's very accumulative, is it not?

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Lucky me, I've just found a good medium size wooden box in the loft. It's about 40x40x40cm, so I should be able to add a tray there and use the bottom for accessories and top one for big EPs (I think if I arrange all the EPs vertically I can fit most of them there) :)

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Personally, I don't mind all my kit spread across several flight cases. I tend to take all the cases out, lay on a table side by side and open them all up so I can instantly see what is what.

As Steve suggests you would be better off making a case from scratch so you can organise your kit and fit the case to suit. If it gets too big you can also add wheels etc.

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