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Installing software and setting up for imaging.


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I've just received a new laptop for imaging and now need to install everything needed to do imaging. I'm using an NEQ6 mount with EQMOD so I guess I need EQMOD and ASCOM. Guiding is with OAG, Lodestar and PHD so I need to install the Lodestar s/w from the CD and download PHD. Imaging is with Atik 314L+ mono CCD camera so I will need to install the Atik s/w - driver and Artemis Capture. I shall also want CdC (download) and AstroTortilla (download). I guess I need to Google EQMOD and ASCOM to see how to install that.

I think that's it - can anyone suggest anything I've missed? Once I've sorted this out I can post a step by step set of instructions that may help anyone else setting up a new imaging computer.

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If you go to the EQMOD site there is an "order" in which EQMOD should be loaded (ASCOM first, if I remember). Then drivers for cameras etc then "top end" software. Always install drivers before plugging in hardware (or you usually get in a mess!). I always install one thing, test it and when I'm happy it really is working go on to do the next - thats the quickest way to spot trouble and diagnose what is causing it.

You are working with DSO imaging but for folk who do planetary (and Lunar) I would add Registax5 as you can then do a "swift stack" to see how things are going. For some who do DSO work there is a "quick" version of DSS that may be useful - you can stack your subs as they come in from the camera (may only be useful for DSLR users).

If you need Antivirus software install it first as then you can spot if it is going to cause problems. I use Kaspersky and once had a problem when the databases were out of date (only a couple of days) - It took all downloads, including images from the camera, as dodgy and tried to block them!! It took quite a while to work that one out.

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Guess you'll need G Chrome so you can play on here to while away the quiet moments as your 10 minute subs are rolling in ..... :grin:

Actually I've just installed Firefox as that's what I'm used to. I haven't tried Google Chrome yet.
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If you go to the EQMOD site there is an "order" in which EQMOD should be loaded (ASCOM first, if I remember). Then drivers for cameras etc then "top end" software. Always install drivers before plugging in hardware (or you usually get in a mess!). I always install one thing, test it and when I'm happy it really is working go on to do the next - thats the quickest way to spot trouble and diagnose what is causing it.

Yes, just been reading the EQMOD site and have now installed ASCOM 6 SP1.
You are working with DSO imaging but for folk who do planetary (and Lunar) I would add Registax5 as you can then do a "swift stack" to see how things are going. For some who do DSO work there is a "quick" version of DSS that may be useful - you can stack your subs as they come in from the camera (may only be useful for DSLR users).
I've been copying my FITS files from warm room PC to lounge desktop and running DSS here to check things though FITS Liberator usually tells me what I want to know - stretching the histogram to show the faint detail.
If you need Antivirus software install it first as then you can spot if it is going to cause problems. I use Kaspersky and once had a problem when the databases were out of date (only a couple of days) - It took all downloads, including images from the camera, as dodgy and tried to block them!! It took quite a while to work that one out.
Ah yes. I installed the supplied trial Trend AntiVirus when I set up Win 7 so that's done. Also the wireless networking etc. (tested remote printing from the laptop). Haven't really decided which AV software to use permanently.
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Are you using any serial to usb adaptors? Finding Windows 7 and onwards drivers for these can be a pain.

Yes, I'm using the HitecAstro EQDIR adapter and been on HitecAstro's site - release notes say the PL2303 Driver has been tested with Win 7 so I think the latest driver should be OK - as downloaded from their site.
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Installed Prolific driverinstaller and installed the Prolific USB to serial chip driver. Now with the laptop in the warm room I plugged the cable to the EQDIR box into a USB port - USB3 according to the manual and followed the instructions that came with the driverinstaller zip download. It founf the PL chip on com 3 and all was well. I then installed and ran CdC, set it up and set the com port to 3 for the ASCOM telescope. It connected to the mount fine and I was able to unpark and control the mount from EQASCOM. So far so good. Then I tried using CdC to slew to the moon which was a little east of south and high in the sky. BUT instead of slewing there it slewed towards west and then stopped when it detected the horizon - nowhere near the moon! :( So what on earth could be wrong?

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It might have already been mentioned but I like to install FITS Liberator as well. This is just to open up the images captured by the CCD camera and check them thoroughly for star trailing, coma, etc. I tend to check pretty much every image during an entire session and adjust the number to be taken accordingly if I have to delete one, for example.

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If you plan on doing remote imaging or at least un-attended imaging remember to turn off any updating options for Windows or you could end up coming back to a laptop that has rebooted 2 minutes after you left it :) In fact if you have the laptop in range of any wifi connections just turn the wifi off as well.

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Hi Gina,

A couple of pointers re your software issues with CdC and ASCOM.

I had similar problems when I first installed these on my laptop and found the following: -

1/ Make sure you set all software to start up as ADMINISTRATOR.

2/ Do not start ASCOM/EQMOD and then start CdC... always start CdC and then use it to conect to and start ASCOM/EQMOD.

3/ Double check that CdC and ASCOM are showing the same settings/parameters for TIME and LAT/LONG... there was often a discrepancy between them with some versions whereby the Lat/Long figures were different in, I believe, the minutes window... If I recall correctly it was something to do with ASCOM/EQMOD being able to store 3 digits (with the last digit hidden) wherase CdC will only accept 2 digits, or something like that... I am not sure if this was corrected in the later revisions though.

If you have GPS available then I would use this to set up both CdC and ASCOM/EQMOD... this will also take care of SUMMER TIME/WINTER TIME variations.

CdC and ASCOM would normally use your PC/Laptop clock to obtain the current time, so It would pay to synchronise this to the GPS time and arrange for it to be updated from one of the ATOMIC clock sites... there are several to choose from under clock steetings in Control Panel.

Finally, It will be of benefit if you go into 'POWER SETTINGS' (from Control Panel) on your laptop and dissable the SLEEP MODE for both Battery and Mains power... the last thing you want is the laptop going to sleep halfway through an imaging sequence.

I would also dissable SCREEN SAVERS and all auto updates (such as WINDOWS UPDATE and your ANTI VIRUS)... since these will still try and connect to the internet even though you have it dissabled (i.e. wireless link or LAN)... at best such occurances would possibly mean a lost frame... worse case is it loses your guide star (PHD can be very touchy)and you now what that can mean.

I hope you find the problems soon.

Best Regards.

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It might have already been mentioned but I like to install FITS Liberator as well. This is just to open up the images captured by the CCD camera and check them thoroughly for star trailing, coma, etc. I tend to check pretty much every image during an entire session and adjust the number to be taken accordingly if I have to delete one, for example.

I've installed Fits Liberator on the laptop as I might like to check images in the obsy.
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If you plan on doing remote imaging or at least un-attended imaging remember to turn off any updating options for Windows or you could end up coming back to a laptop that has rebooted 2 minutes after you left it :) In fact if you have the laptop in range of any wifi connections just turn the wifi off as well.

Thank you :) Yes, I've turned off all updates and automatic virus checking software. But I leave the wifi on so that I can check things from indoors.
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Hi Gina,

A couple of pointers re your software issues with CdC and ASCOM.

Thank you :)
I had similar problems when I first installed these on my laptop and found the following: -

1/ Make sure you set all software to start up as ADMINISTRATOR.

Not sure about that - I'll check :)
2/ Do not start ASCOM/EQMOD and then start CdC... always start CdC and then use it to conect to and start ASCOM/EQMOD.
Yes, I always start CdC first then use that to start EQASCOM from the Telescope menu.
3/ Double check that CdC and ASCOM are showing the same settings/parameters for TIME and LAT/LONG... there was often a discrepancy between them with some versions whereby the Lat/Long figures were different in, I believe, the minutes window... If I recall correctly it was something to do with ASCOM/EQMOD being able to store 3 digits (with the last digit hidden) wherase CdC will only accept 2 digits, or something like that... I am not sure if this was corrected in the later revisions though.
Pretty sure I set that up but again, I'll check :D
If you have GPS available then I would use this to set up both CdC and ASCOM/EQMOD... this will also take care of SUMMER TIME/WINTER TIME variations.
I havd a USB GPS but I can't find anywhere in CdC to use it. I know EQASCOM has that facility as I've used it before.
CdC and ASCOM would normally use your PC/Laptop clock to obtain the current time, so It would pay to synchronise this to the GPS time and arrange for it to be updated from one of the ATOMIC clock sites... there are several to choose from under clock steetings in Control Panel.
That was the problem! Well, put it this way... I checked laptop OS time and it was wrong in spite of setting it up when I set up Windows :( Internet Time was set up but to the windows server which didn't work - changed it to time.nist.gov and it then worked. So that could have been why CdC sent the scope to the wrong place.
Finally, It will be of benefit if you go into 'POWER SETTINGS' (from Control Panel) on your laptop and dissable the SLEEP MODE for both Battery and Mains power... the last thing you want is the laptop going to sleep halfway through an imaging sequence.
I've done that for mains use but I agree, best used for battery mode too.
I would also dissable SCREEN SAVERS and all auto updates (such as WINDOWS UPDATE and your ANTI VIRUS)... since these will still try and connect to the internet even though you have it dissabled (i.e. wireless link or LAN)... at best such occurances would possibly mean a lost frame... worse case is it loses your guide star (PHD can be very touchy)and you now what that can mean.
Good point about screen savers - forgot that - but I have turned off automatic updates and virus checks.
I hope you find the problems soon.

Best Regards.

Thank you :) I think you have probably helped me find my problem. I thought the system clock was right having set up time zone etc, in the new PC setup procedure but I didn't actually check. Now where's that Dunces hat - must go and stand in the corner :D
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Well, I put the laptop back out in the obsy and connected up but I can't get the mount to work now. ASCOM diagnostics come up with can't find com port. It was working fine with com 3 before and I haven't changed anything. Oh well, tomorrow is another day and I want to do imaging tonight so I've put the netbook back and that's working.

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Hi Gina,

No problem Gina... we all have to help each other where possible.

Well at least you have found the main problem with CdC... Clock Time wrong... I had the same issue until I realised that the windows time routine was Rubbish... and changed it to the same one you have chosen.

as for GPS... I don't think CdC can read directly from a GPS receiver (but I will stand correction on this if there is a way)... at least I never found a way... what I did was start ASCOM/EQMOD from CdC and get ASCOM/EQMOD to read the GPS, I then opened CdC's setup>observatory and typed in a suitable location name and manually entered the GPS co-ordinates as read from ASCOM/EQMOD... I then told CdC to save the location file.

CdC will read this on the next startup and the co-ordinates will be correct.

I am sorry to hear that it has stopped working again... have you got any USB2 ports on your new laptop?... I have read several reports of ASCOM, and other astro programmes, not working as expected when trying to use USB3... this may be an ASCOM/or other Driver problem since I believe most of these drivers were written for USB1.1 and USB2... I know USB3 is supposed to be backward compatible but it would seem this is not the case for some implimentations... judging by the number of failures read about.

I would try a USB 2 port if you have one.

Hope this helps a bit more.

Best Regards and enjoy your imaging session... it's still very cloudy up here :mad::confused:

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Thanks :) According the the Asus user manual, the port I'm using for the mount is USB2. The USB3 one is going to the powered USB2 hub and running everything else. Ah... just had another look at the manual and noticed it covers several slightly different models with different port arrangements. I think the USB ports are actually the other way round. The spec on the Morgan website where I got the laptop says it's got 1 USB2 and 2 USB3, that's what confused me - it's actually only got 2 USB ports.

It worked before so may work again but I'll run the driverinstaller software again and use that to see which com port it's using. I'll try swapping the USB ports over too.

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Did you get the Mount pointing sorted?

I've got a Prolific USB to serial adaptor that's fine connected directly to the laptop but if it's connected though a hub or two will work with some applications but not with others. And it gets very unreliable if a long (5m) serial cable is used.

The FTDI USB to serial adaptor is fine, so is an Edgeport adaptor.


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Did you get the Mount pointing sorted?

I've got a Prolific USB to serial adaptor that's fine connected directly to the laptop but if it's connected though a hub or two will work with some applications but not with others. And it gets very unreliable if a long (5m) serial cable is used.

The FTDI USB to serial adaptor is fine, so is an Edgeport adaptor.


Not yet - last try with the laptop and the Prolific chip wasn't recognised or at least there was no com port available. I'm using a 5m USB extension cable. I also have a USB active extension cable I'm no longer using - I'll try that.
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I took the laptop out to the obsy and connected up again. I changed USB ports. The system found all the devices and set up the USB ports. The Prolific driver found the chip and set itself up on com 5 and EQMOD ASCOM worked fine and I tested unparking and slewing the mount manually - all fine. Then tried CdC and tried slewing - still wrong :( Checked CdC again and it was all correct - checked EQMOD and time was right but obsy location was totally wrong. I tried to connect my USB GPS but it came up with an error - invalid port number! :( So I set up the location and altitude by hand. Then I tried CdC again and it wouldn't connect - com port not found. The com port search didn't work either. I tried an active USB extension cable instead of the ordinar one but still no joy.

So... I guess I should be a bit nearer having now corrected two set up problems but with the mount connection failing with both USB ports and active and non-active USB cable, I'm at a loss as to what to try next :(

I wonder if extending the serial cable would be better than the USB cable as at present. I guess I could try running off the hub but that caused problems in the past, hence running it on a separate USB cable and port.

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I tried connecting the USB from the EQDIR box into the powered USB hub on the mount and it's working :) Well at least it is at the moment :D The system found the USB device and then the Prolific driver found the serial port and set it to com 7 (we're gradually working up through the com port numbers :D). I tried CdC to slew to just above the ESE horizon where it says Saturn is and it slewed to about the right place. The altitude seemed a bit out, measuring +9 degrees but the software said it was at just under +4 degrees but my mount is probably a bit out of alignment. I also tried AT to slew to the Cygnus Loop which CdC says is just below the NE horizion and sure enough the scope slewed to just below the horizon in this direction. So it's looking good - as long as it keeps the connection and reconnects after being turned off and on again later.

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It didn't! :( When I went into the obsy last night ready to set up for possible imaging - clear sky forcast for later - I found the laptop had shut itself down in spite of being on mains power and tol not to do anything in that mode :( When I booted up it seems that all my efforts at stopping auto updates had failed and it had updated something, though why it hadn't restarted I don't know. Once going it wouldn't recognise anything!! :( It tried all I could think of short of reinstalling. Rebooted, unplugged devices and plugged in again, powered devices down and up again - zilch. If I hadn't paid over £300 on the thing I would have hurled it into the middle of the next field! I'm beginning to think I've wasted my money :mad::( Don't know if it's USB trouble, Win 7 or just that I'm getting old and losing the ability to hack it any more :(

At that stage I felt like packing up and going to bed but instead I disconnected the laptop and connected up the netbook instead. Powered that up and it all worked, albeit slowly. I went ahead and set up for a night's Ha capture of the Cygnus Loop widefield in the light of a blindingly bright full moon. I checked a couple of 15m subs and went to bed leaving it running. The (rather poor) result can be seen in the "Imaging - Deep Sky" forum.

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Been having another look at that laptop... TeamViewer is working fine and it's recognising the USB-Serial device - that's the good news! I currently have all the devices I use for imaging plugged in and powered up but nothing else seems to be recognised. Device Manager tells the same story as USB View. Done the same as last night. Rebooted a couple of times, tried unplugging devices and remopving power etc. just not being recognised by the system. Everything works with the netbook - straight off - as soon as powered up and booted.

Here's the "USB View" window :-


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Please ignore the above post as it no longer applies - finger trouble - and I can no longer edit it.

I have the USB hub plugged into the left hand side USB port and the USB-Serial EQDIR box plugged into the RHS USB port. The devices are now being recognised :) Here are the new USB View and Device Manager screenshots :-

post-13131-0-65665400-1369488235_thumb.p post-13131-0-47732600-1369488231_thumb.p

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