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Some Sun Spots and a Sneaky Satellite from 07-05-13


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I don't mind a satellite or plane across the Sun. I can take a normal solar picture any time it's clear, but catching a satellite or plane is rare, at least for me. Not caught any planes yet, though I almost got one on a Moon image. It was close enough to catch the vapour trail drift across the disc, but I just missed the plane.

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Like the Barlow comparison, great images. I managed to catch a satellite too on the 7th, time was 12:26pm.

My stacks didn't come out very well, my R.A. motor is down at the moment so i have to crank it to keep my target in shot.

But here's a quick vid of the sat pass:-

Also, while planes are on topic, here's the best i've ever caught back in February :-


I'd finished capturing for the session, and was just watching the world go by catching a few rays. When the plane came over the roof i could see it was going for the Sun. So i ran back inside to hit record. 40 seconds later it crossed the disk and i was chuffed as a butty. :grin:


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