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Best Saturn from last night


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Had a bit of a monster session last night, out at about 10:30pm and eventually made it to bed at about 3am. Can't say that I've got a lot to show for my efforts though, aside to drop the current version of FireCapture because it keeps crashing and go back to the beta version.

Here's the best of the evening's work with the 127 Mak and ASI120MC. Could be a while before I get another chance by the looks of the forecast.



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I know what you mean James, ive had some terrible nights and ended up dumping all my data, struggling of to work a few hours later, but we all go out in hope of some wonderful seeing, forever the optimist aye!

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That's an awful . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lot better than I managed . . . :grin:

:D Thank you Steve.


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I know what you mean James, ive had some terrible nights and ended up dumping all my data, stuggling of to work a few hours later, but we all go out in hope of some wonderful seeing, forever the optimist aye!

Learning not to lose enthusiasm when things don't turn out how you'd like is a necessary part of imaging I think :) I really can't complain. I don't think I've had the opportunity to get out for five nights on the bounce for well over a year. I really am quite tired now. But if it were clear tonight I'd get out there again :)


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Pushing it a bit James, but still a nice scale and stacks of detail there - I did the same over about 6 nights in April, 60+ GBs of capture but the seeing was so poor that none of it was worth the pain ;)

Sorry to here you're getting issues with the ASI120MC in Firecapture, I think Torsten is after reports of any issues with this Camera in 22 so might appreciate the any error details. I've had no issues with it using the Point Grey drivers for the Firefly and did a quick run with the new QHY5L-II last night - a very large step up in sensitivity and much less noisy than the firefly. Nothing to show though as my new Synscan handset was a DOA, so I was tracking manually on the AR152S/Exos2 mount - even with a reasonable polar alignment keeping saturn in the frame was touch enough without barlowing the image up to a decent size - Hats off to anyone doing planetary imaging with a manual dob!

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Thanks Jake. I'll pull the log file off the laptop and drop it over to Torsten.


Definitely worth a shout - just by trawling the forums there are a lot of good comments saying how responsive and useful he is in nailing bugs and even adding features/enhancements.

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