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Is it October already?


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Its 33.3f here in the garden, i bet its gonna be frosty in the morning.....

No idea what the temperature is here, but yes, if it were February I would be expecting a frost in the morning given how cold it feels.


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Hasn't stopped raining here since Saturday morning. I've never seen anything like this in my life.

Yes, we've had so much rain this winter here in Andalucia that we're even getting some grass growing.

There was a frost last night which has hit the roses that were blooming nicely.

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So much for the rain in Spain falling mainly on the plain :)


We are on the plain - the Altiplano, 2,000 feet altitude. Most of the horizons are far-off mountain ranges.
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Got home three this morning from the taverna and the temperature was almost 60f. During the day it is a pleasant 80-84f. Long range forecast for May looks a real mixed bag though, best not decommission the wood burner just yet.

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I was out in light-ish winter observing gear last night (hat, scarf, very insulating coat excl. thermal t-shirt etc. of course - not quite cold enough for that!). The Sun is really warm when it's out, but the temperature doesn't seem to be rising above about 12C / 13C (at 52N - Norwich), which is really bad for May.. it's only two weeks until my birthday, and normally it's about 16C/17C at the very least, dew in the morning but not frost. Weird weather...

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Nice link, James and Pete, I've heard about you guys down south getting some pretty hairy weather recently as well. Guess there won't be any water shortage this summer. On a more positive note, when looking at the forecast it seems things here are now on the mend. Tomorrow will be better and the next day a little better again and so on. Bright sun shining days and long runs of clear, cloudless nights. Fingers' crossed.

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