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It's the guide star stupid!!

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Main scope focussed, guide scope focussed. A few mediocre little stars on the guide chip so adjust the rings and up pops a beauty. Very bright. Set the tracking using 1 sec exposure. Off goes the guiding hmmm not so great. RMS tracking error in dec of around 0.2 pixels (about 1 arc second compared with usual 0.06-8). Guiding looks good for a little while then tracking error wanders off up to 0.4 pixels - yuk! That would be no good if I was imaging at 2000mm F/L. Tweak the aggressiveness - makes no difference at all. Set a minimum move of 0.1 pixel - no joy. Offset the balance to the east more, just the same. Swear and curse - that helped.

Went inside and had a glass of wine. Ahaa! The guide star is saturated so my centroid is up the spout, Maxim can't tell where the centre of the star is. Changed to a diddy little star out near the edge. Bingo! Tracking error in both axes down to an RMS of 0.06pixels or about 0.25 arc seconds. That'll do.

Learning point for me - brightest isn't best, check the levels.

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