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Moon at Perigee, 28 April


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Had to wait until 1:45am for the Moon to rise high enough to clear the barn roof this morning, but for a change despite the drifts of high cloud I had a clear view for enough time to get the subs I wanted most. My intention was to get three sets of 120 using 1/1000th @ ISO800, 1/500th @ ISO400 and 1/250th @ ISO200. I started with the second group and completed the third, but failed to get the first set done (I'd left them until last as those are the settings I usually use) because the cloud started to thicken.

Looking at the frames this morning reveals that whilst the 1/500th set are fine, the 1/250th set all have ghosting in the original images. The bottom of the frame is stable, but the top has a host image in every single one of the 120 frames. I'm not entirely sure why that should be, but there's clearly little point processing them. I may post one later as an example because I can't justify to myself how it could have happened. In the light of this it's a shame I didn't manage to get the 1/1000th set.

Anyhow, on to the image. 120 frames of 1/500th @ ISO400 with the 450D/127 Mak, preprocessed in PIPP, 51 frames stacked in Registax v6. If the Moon gets any closer I'll have to buy a full frame camera :)



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That's a cracking shot James.

Thank you Pete. Not entirely sure if I'm up for another crack at the Moon this evening. If I get an early night and set the alarm for 4am it will really freak my wife out :)


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