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Stellarium for Android pad


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Hi all. I upgraded my phone yesterday and they threw in a Samsung android pad as part of the deal. (not a bad deal at all actually). So after setting it up I had a nosey in their app store and one of the things they have for the it is stellarium. Only £1.69 too so not bad at all. Anyway, a lot of you have used this before so wont bore you with the details. The functions available are well down on the full pc version but that said, it would be handy to have available when your viewing as an aid which for some one like me who isn't great with what's in the sky at night yet, it will be a worthwhile piece of kit to have with me when out.


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I think it gives a very attractive rendition of the sky and as such I mostly use it just for a quick overview of what's up tonight. It's a joy to use and to look at but for more technical stuff I use Sky Safari Pro.

I think Stellarium is astonishingly good value. Perhaps they'll add functionality in future versions.

Glad you like the tablet too. Be sure to look at Google Play, the definitive android app store. My life hasn't been the same since getting the MD a cheap Chinese tablet which she hates. I inherited it and I love it. How did we get through life without apps?

How did God create the World in 7 days? He had an app for it !!!

And I bet it was an Android app too :D

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I got one of those Samsung things last week with my upgrade. I thought I best try and catch up a bit. I'm still cutting my calls off with the side of my face..:D

I had a look at google apps store and Stellarium is 84p there so it may be worth checking if other stuff is cheaper there before you do Samsung apps.

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