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Soem great ISS passes these last few nights


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I've been out there watching for it too. Tried to catch it with my scope last night but it moves too quickly! More practice needed if the favourable passes continue.

It makes me smile to think that there are people up there who could be looking down at me. I follow Commander Hadfield on Twitter and he posts pictures from the ISS - they have some truly amazing views from their "home".

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Too cloudy here tonight to see it but I did catch it briefly in my scope the other night. Managed to track it but once it going going couldn't make out any definition. Definitely agree with more practice needed.

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I've seen it a few times but wasn't sure if I saw it last night as it whatever I saw was a lot smaller than usual. Looking around the Plough area and something passed through, wouldn't have seen it naked eye

As long as I learn I will make mistaikes

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I've seen it a few times but wasn't sure if I saw it last night as it whatever I saw was a lot smaller than usual. Looking around the Plough area and something passed through, wouldn't have seen it naked eye

As long as I learn I will make mistaikes

I saw two satellites going through the plough last night, both were pretty faint, but moving in opposite directions which I thought was unusual. Just goes to show how busy it is up there.

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Sometimes what looks like satellites can be space junk, old rocket boosters and the like. Or old out of use satellites. But yes, you never realise how busy it is up there untill you spend some time with a scope/bins.

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